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✨💗 Hi, Hope you had a good day✨💗

~Aaliyah's Pov~

The woman said that there was this place where they were keeping Maggie and Glenn. We were helping get the things in the car. Rick, The woman and Daryl were going. Rick pulled Carl aside and i helped Daryl. "We'll be alright." Daryl said as i handed him another bag. He took it and put it in the back of the car. I looked at him and he looked at me. "Stop." He said putting one last back in and closing the trunk.

"We'll be back." He said. I nodded looking at him. "okay.." I said looking at him. "Be careful okay.? Please.." I said looking at him. He nodded looking at me. "Mhm." he said looking at me. I looked at him. "Please." I said again. "Alright," He said pulling me in for a hug. "Promise." he said holding me. I nodded. "okay." I said. "Alright, You too. Be careful." He said. I nodded.

"Let's go." Rick said. He walked up to me. "I'll bring him back." he said nodding. I nodded too. "Be careful." i said looking at them. He nodded. "We will." he said. They took off.

~Later on that same night~

"Finally got Judith to sleep." We looked over to see Hershel. "How are we with Formula?" Carl asked. it was only Beth, Carol, Hershel, Carl, Axel and I. "We have enough to last us another month." Hershel said coming to us. "I'll tale Carol for some more at the end of the week." Carl said. "They could be back by then," I said. He looked at me. "We don't know that. Right now, Judith's the only family i got." He said looking at me.

We heard a scream and i looked up. "What was that?" Beth asked. "That was from inside." Hershel said. "Was that Carol?" Carl asked. "No. I don't think so." I said shaking my head, that didn't sound like her. "She's out keeping watch in the guard tower with Axel." Hershel said. "What id they came back in for something. What if they'er in trouble?" Beth asked.

"We'll go check it out," I said walking down the steps. "Yeah," Carl said getting up. I pulled out my gun. "I can't let you go down there." Hershel said blocking out path. "My father would go. And her brother would too." Carl said. The screams kept going. "Cmon." Carl said. We went down quickly.

Once we were down there, we saw it was empty but the screams from a woman kept going. We shot down a walker and kept going, the screams got louder. "This way," i said running a bit. He followed me and we walked in a room where we saw 5 people fighting off walkers. They didn't have guns though. Carl and i shot down the walkers that were after them. "Cmon! Hurry!" Carl said.

We guided them and shot down the walkers but there was a woman slowing them down. "You have to leave her!" Carl said. "no way." A man said throwing her over his shoulder. We ran again and lead them to the cell block. "Oh my god, Donna?" A man asked. They set the woman down, She wasn't breathing.

"Is she dead?" he asked as they set her down. "Lock the door." Carl said handing me the keys. I locked the door we came in from. "I'll take care of it." Carl said. "Whoa! Whoa wait a minute kid." The other man said. "She doesn't have that long." Carl said holding the gun to the woman's face. "Carl- maybe you should let them do that.." I said looking at him. He looked at me.

"Who the hell are you two." the woman asked. We looked at her. "How did you get in here?! Who are you with??" She asked questions. "Look, we can help you. First things first." Carl said not dropping his guard on the woman on the floor who was bit. "No, we take care of out own." the man said. I pulled Carl and we went to the cell room. I locked the door. "Hey, What are you doing?" the woman aid.

"Kid. Did you just lock us in here?" The man said looking at us. "You'll be safe there. I promise." I said looking at them. "Open the door." She said. "You have food and water there." I said looking at her as she walked up to the door. "Open this door." She said looking me dead in the eyes. "We can't do that." i said looking at her. She held one of the bars. "Cmon. We're not animals. Don't do this." She said. She looked up and back at us. "Hey! You can't just leave us in here!" She said banging and shaking the door.

"Open this door! Open it! Now!" She said looking at us. "Sasha! Back away form their door and let them go." The man said pulling her away from the door. "Look around you. This is the best we've had in weeks." the man said calmly. "His house. We got other things to do." He said and looked at me. "We don't want any trouble." He said pushing the woman aside. "Shouldn't we help them?" Beth asked. "We did." Carl said looking at her.

~The next day~

Carl, Carol and I were by the fence. Just in hopes that they come back, We've been out here for a while and there was nothing. "it's so quiet." Carl said walking to me, I turned around to look at him. "It's easy to forget how loud the world use to be." Carol laughed a bit as they walked to me.

"I use to complain about it all the time. Traffic, construction, car alarms, Noise pollution." she said as they reached me. "What i wouldn't give for the sweet sound of a jumbo jet." She aid. I giggled and Carl scoffed. "it'd be ever sweeter if we were all on it." Carl said looking at her, then me. I nodded. "Your mom was proud of you." Carol said.

"For what? Being mean to her?" Carl asked. "no, you can't think like that." Carol said. "It's all i think about." He said. We heard a car and we looked up. I held my gun. "Please be them." Carl said as we looked at the road. Waiting for the car to appear. "It's them. Hurry." She said. Carl unlocked the car and i ran to the other gate to open it. Rick came out of the car. "Drive 'em up. I'll meet you there." Rick said. Maggie drove the car.

"Thank god." Rick said hugging Carl. "Where's Hershel?" Rick asked. "he's in the cell block." Carl said. "Where's Daryl?" Carol asked. I looked at her confused then i looked at Rick. My heart stopped. "What.?" I asked looking at him. He put his hands on my shoulders. "He's alright. He's alive." He said looking at me.

"N-no. No. Where's my brother." I said looking at him as my heart started to race. "We ran into Merle." He said. I looked at him confused. "What?" i asked looking at him. "They went off." He said looking at me. I shook my head. "You're lying." I said looking at him as a tear fell. He shook his head. "I'm not." He said softly as he looked at me. "You're lying- you're lying." I said taking his hand off my shoulder and another tear fell. "Aaliyah." He said looking at me and putting his hands on my arms.

"A-are they coming back?" I asked looking at him. He pulled me in for a hug and i caught my breath against him. "I'm sorry." he said putting his hand on my head. "Are they coming- Are they coming back?" i asked looking at him as we pulled away. "I- I don't know.." He said looking at me. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked down as another tear fell.

"I'm sorry." He said putting his hand on the side of my head.

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