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❤️Smile, Smile, Smileeeee❤️

~Aaliyah's Pov~

"Watch the knife!" I heard someone call out in the distance. I got up quickly and ran outside of the tent to sew Shane holding Daryl in a choke hold. "Stop!" i called out running to them. "You'd best let me go!" Daryl said trying to get away from him. "Hey-" Glenn said grabbing me quickly, He pulled me away from them and kept his hands on my arms. "Nah, i think it's best if i don't." Shane said as he brought him to the ground. Daryl grunted and grabbed his arm. "Choke hold's Illegal." He said as he met the ground. 

"Yeah, you can file a complaint." Shane said keeping him in choke hold, Daryl struggled a bit and more making Shane hold him tighter. I kept looking at Daryl worried, He wouldn't really hurt him would he? "Cmon man we can keep this up all day." Shane said. Rick walked over to them and got down to Daryl and Shane's level. "I'd like to have a calm discussion on this topic. You think we can manage that?" Rick asked. "Stop-" I said looking at Rick and Shane. Rick looked back at me and i looked at him. "Please- Stop." i said feeling my heart race. He looked at me for another second then back at Shane. "Please." I repeated as Glenn kept his hands on my arms to keep me from interfering.  

Rick and Shane exchanged a look let him go after a few seconds. Daryl backed away from Shane a bit, still on the floor catching his breath. "What i did was not on a whim." Rick said still on the floor, looking down at my brother. "Your brother does not work and play well with others." Rick said. "It's not Rick's fault. I had the key. I dropped it." T-dog said. "You couldn't pick it up?!" Daryl asked on the floor, catching his breath. "I dropped it in a drain." T-dog said. Daryl scoffed and looked down a bit then finally stood up. 

I pulled away from Glenn and went over to him. I grabbed his wrist with my hands looking up at him. He put his hand on my back and pushed me slightly as he walked. I walked with him, "If that's supposed to make us feel better it don't." He said walking. "Maybe this will. Look, I chained the door to the roof so the geeks can't get at him. With a pad lock." T-dog said looking at him then me.

"It's gotta count for something." Rick said looking at us- everyone was looking at us. He looked back at him angry and wiped his face a bit then pulled his arm away from me. "Hell with all ya'll!" He yelled swinging his arm a bit at everyone then paced a bit. "Just tell me where he is so's i can go get him." He said looking at Rick. "He'll show you," Lori said, We all looked at her. "Isn't that right?" she asked looking at Rick. "I'm going back." he said nodding and looking everyone.

Daryl grabbed his things and walked back to me, grabbing my hand then walking away from everyone taking me with him. We went to the tent and he put his things down. "Are you okay.?" i asked looking at him. He sat down against a tree once he pulled out his bandanna. He started cleaning his arrows. "Yeah." he mumbled not looking at me. "You're going?" I asked looking at him, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Yeah," he said. I went over and sat down next to him, leaning back against the tree sitting crisscross. I picked on my shoes and he looked over and down at me. 

"What if he's- not there anymore..?" i asked not looking at him "Stop." he said looking back at his arrows. "What if he isn't--" he cut me off again. "Aaliyah." He said looking at me. I looked at him and he shook his head. "Shut the hell up. He'll be there." he said looking back at his arrows, cleaning them with the bandanna. I nodded a bit looking back down too. "He'll be there." he mumbled again. "..Be careful.." i said, "Always am." he said. 

~Later on that same night~

Rick, Glenn, T-dog and Daryl went back to the city to look for Merle,  And we were having dinner earlier and walkers came to the camp. They started attacking people. The fist one to get bit was Amy, more and more walkers started showing up and attacking people from the group. There was so much screaming and gunshots echoing throughout the camp. I was with Lori, Carl, Carol and Sophia. Shane was protecting us. We started hearing more gunshots and i looked over to see that the rest were back with more guns than they left with. They started shooting and taking down walkers. 

Once they were all down i broke from the small group and ran to Daryl crying. He put his gun down quickly, "Come're." He said and came to me too. He grabbed me and picked me up pulling me into him. I hugged him and cried on his shoulder. He put a hand on the back of my head, He looked around still holding me as he caught his breath. He moved his hand to my back, holding me tight. "Alright.." he said softly and bent down a bit, i felt my feet touch the ground. "Look at me." he said trying to pull me away. "No!- No." I said quickly, still crying.  He hugged me again and rubbed my back trying to calm me down. "You alright? You hurt??" he asked looking around, I shook my head. "No- no. No." i said catching my breath. 

"You're alright then. It's okay. They're gone." He said taking his crossbow off his back and putting it down too, still holding me. "Look at me kid." he said pulling me away from him, We pulled away and i looked at him. He wiped my tears. "You're alright." He said and put a hand on my chin. "Head up. You're good." he said and put his hands on my arms then held my hands. I held them back and caught my breath a bit looking at him. "You're good." he said. I nodded a bit looking at him, He nodded too and i looked around seeing both our people and walkers on the floor. I noticed that Merle wasn't here. I pulled my hand away from Daryl and wiped under my eyes. 

"Y-you didn't find Merle??" I asked. He shook his head as i looked back at him. I looked back at him. "No, but he's alive." he said, "How do you know? Did you see him.?" i asked. He shook his head still holding my hand. "No- but he took our truck. I know he's alive." he said. I nodded a bit, "But he's gone?" i asked, He nodded. "He ain't with us but he's alive." he said. I nodded a bit. "okay." i said softly. 

~The next day~

We ended up burning the walkers and burying the people that we lost. But we decided to leave the camp since it wasn't safe anymore, none of us felt safe after what happened. We were heading to the CDC, I was with Daryl in the pickup truck. We had Merle's bike with us in the back. "Do you think we'll find anything there?" i asked looking at Daryl.

He shrugged as he drove. "Don't know. Maybe." He said looking at the road. "I don't think we will," I said softly. "Why?" he asked. "If they found something, they would have done something about it already. Cure the people, Right?" I asked. He looked at me then back at the road. "They would have stopped it by now." i said looking at him. "Yeah." he mumbled.

After a while, we ended up leaving Jim on the side of the road, He was bit back there when the walkers showed up and he said he couldn't make it so we left him leaning against a tree. We all said our goodbyes and we were back on the road. 

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