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~Aaliyah's Pov~

We were still on our knees, Negan was talking to Rick. "You work for me now. You have shit, you give it to me. That's your job. Now i know that's a mighty big pill to swallow." He started again. "But swallow it you most certainly will. You ruled the roost. You built something." He said.

I looked over to Carl. He was scared and he was holding tears back. I can see it. He looked over to me. We were both scared. "You all thought you were safe. I get it" He said. We both looked over to Negan again. "But the word is out. You are not safe. Not even close. You are pegged. More pegged if you don't do what i want and what i want is half your shit. This is your life now. The more you fight back the harder it will be." he said. No one said anything. No one made eye contact with him. His men were silent, waiting for his next move.

This man was scary. Scarier than The Governor. He wants to make a point. He's got it. He has us all scared. He has Rick scared. I don't think I've ever seen Rick this scared before. "So if someone comes knocking at your door. You let us in. We own that door. You try to stop us. We will knock it down. You understand?" He asked Rick. Rick stayed quiet. Looking away from him. No one ever put Rick in this position before.

"What? No answer?" he asked waiting, but he didn't reply. "You don't really think you're gonna get through this without being punished now do you? i don't want to kill you people. Just want to make this clear. I want you to work for me. You can't do that if you're dead now can you?" He asked. Rick didn't make eye contact with him. "Now i'm not growing a garden, But. You killed my people. A whole damn lot of them. More than i'm comfortable with. And so for that. You are going to pay." He said.

Negan looked at all of us. "So now, I'm gonna beat the holy hell out of one of you." Negan said. My heart stopped for a second. He spun his bat around and held it in front of Rick again. "This. This is Lucille, and she's awesome." He said looking at the bat. He smiled at the bat. "All this is just so we can pick out which one of you gets the honor." He said as he walked around looking at us. I saw Abraham stand up straight. Looking at him. "Huh.." Negan said smiling. He put his hand on his beard. "I gotta shave this shit." he said and walked away. He walked up to Carl and looked at him. I looked at Negan. "Now you got one of our guns." He said and bent down to his level, squatting.

He looked over to me. "you got a lot of our guns." He said looking back at Carl. "Shit kid, lighten up." He said looking at Carl. "At least cry a little." He said looking at him. Carl just looked at him. He chuckled and moved over to me.

"Hi," he said looking at me. I just looked at him, Everyone was looking and us. He smiled looking at me. He gave me an innocent genuine smile. He was enjoying this. I swallowed the lump in my throat, looking at him scared with tears in my eyes. "Lighten up sweetheart." He said giving me a small nod, I just kept looking at him.

He got up and tucked the gun in his jeans, pulling his jacket over it. He kept walking, looking at everyone until he reached Maggie. "Jesus. You look Shitty." Negan said looking at Maggie. Maggie looked away with tears in her eyes. "I should just put you out of your misery right now." Negan said swinging his bat. My heart stopped. "No!" Glenn screamed out going after Maggie. Dwight went over and knocked him down to the ground. He pulled out Daryl's crossbow and pointed it at him.

"No! Stop It!" Maggie cried out. "Nope. No. Get him back in line." Negan said. Dwight pulled Glenn back next to Daryl. Glenn yelled. "No. Don't Don't." Glenn cried out pleading. Negan just laughed. It seems like this guy just lost all of his humanity. "Alright listen. Don't any of you do that again. I will shut that shit down. No exceptions." he said.

"First ones free. I get it, It's an emotional moment. I get it." Negan said pointing at Glenn. Negan looked at Rick. "Sucks don't it. The moment that you realize you don't know shit." Negan said. He looked at Rick for a second, then Carl. He smiled. Pointed the bat at them both. "This is your kid right?" He asked walking towards Carl. He laughed. "This is definitely your kid." He said. "But then what makes you?" He asked looking at me. Pointing the bat at me, Walking my direction. He looked at my eyes.

"She your mom?" He asked me looking over at Maggie. Pointing the bat at her now, But still standing in front of me. I didn't answer him. He took a second look at Maggie and then me again. "No wait, don't tell me." He said smiling. This was like a game to him. He walked around. "Him." He pointed at Daryl. "Dad?" He asked. He looked at me. "Brother." Dwight said. he said.

I looked at Daryl. "Brother!" He said looking at me in shock, like he won some kid of game. "Just stop this!" Rick finally called out. "Hey! Do not make me kill the little future serial killers. Don't make it easy on me. I've gotta pick someone." he said looking at Rick.

"Everybody's at the table. Waiting for me to order." Negan said. He started walking again. Swinging his bat. Looking at all of us. Whistling. He chuckled a bit. "I simply cannot decide." He said. He walked back towards the RV and pinched the bridge of his nose and smirked. "I've got an Idea" He said smiling.

He walked towards us again. Negan stood in front of Rick and held out his bat. "Eenie. Meenie. Miney. Mo." He started pointing out to everyone. Another tear fell. i looked at Daryl scared. He looked at me weak. We exchanged looks at each other. "Catch a tiger by his toe, if he hollers let him go. My mother, told me to pick the very best one." He said at all of us. A tear fell from my eyes once he pointed his bat at me then walked away. "And you, are. It." Negan pointed the bat at Abraham.

"Anybody moves. Anybody says anything I'll cut the boy's eye out and feed it to his father and then we'll start." He said. A tear fell. He was going to kill Abraham.

"You can breathe. You can blink. You can cry." Negan said preparing his bat "Hell. That's what you'll all be doing." He said.

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