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~Aaliyah's Pov~

We finally arrived, We got out and realized it this was it.. We were finally at Alexandria. The gates opened for us. I walked up to Carl as i noticed he was looking over at a burnt building. He stayed like that for a few seconds, making me finally look over. "Carl," i said. He looked over to me. "You okay?" I asked looking at him. "Yeah- I thought i saw something" He said confused. I looked over and saw there was nothing there. 

Our attention was quickly drawn away by a noise to our left. Our guns went up, Daryl shot his bow and he picked up a possum by it's tail. "We brought dinner." he said looking at the guy that opened the door. "It's okay. Come on in guys." Aaron said. We walked in and the first thing we noticed were the houses. And the tall walls, just like in the pictures that Aaron showed us. This place looked safe. Probably the safest place we're seen in a while. 

"Before we move further in. I'm gonna need you all to turn in your weapons. You stay, You hand them over" The man that opened the door for us said looking at all of us. Daryl walked over and stood next to me. Rick walked up, in front of all of us. "We don't know if we want to stay" Rick said holding his gun and Judith.

"It's fine, Nicholas" Aaron said looking over at the man. "If we wanted to use them. We would have already started." Rick said looking at Nicholas and Aaron. "Let them talk to Deanna first" Aaron said, "Who's Deanna?" Abraham asked.

We all looked at Aaron, waiting for an answer. "She knows everything you want to know about this place, Rick. Why don't you start?" Aaron asked looking at him. We looked at Rick, waiting for his say in this. He turned around. "Sasha." He said. We looked back to see a walker coming this way. She took it down with one shot. "Good thing we're here." Rick said as the gates closed behind us.  took the chance and he went with Aaron.


We all ended up talking to Deanna. And we were turning in our weapons. "They're still your guns. You can check them out whenever you go beyond the wall." She said looking at us. I didn't want to turn in my gun. I didn't want to. I didn't feel safe without it. "But inside here, we store them for safety." She said. I kept on looking at the guns on the cart. 

I didn't want to. I really didn't. "Just do it. I'm not leaving your side. Anyone touches you they get an arrow." He said looking at me. Carl walked up and he moved his head looking at me. I walked up hesitantly and took my gun out, placing it on the cart. Carol was the last to go up, placing her gun on top of the rest. "Should have brought the other bin." The woman said taking our guns.

I walked back to Daryl. We walked. Aaron showed us our house, he told us where he lived too. This house was huge.. It was really nice too. I looked around confused. They were giving these houses away just like that. I went upstairs and looked at the rooms. Everything we needed was here. And we weren't use to that. "Shit's crazy." Daryl said looking around. I nodded. "I know." i said. 


Daryl went back to Rick's place. I was still here checking things out. I took a shower and oh my god. It felt really good to shower. With actual soap and water. I had my knife on my belt like always. But still. I missed my gun. The door opened and i looked over to see Carl. "Hey." he said. "Hey," i said. "I was- I was gonna go look at the other houses. You wanna come with me?" he asked. I nodded. "Sure," I said getting up. 

We walked out and went to another house. We walked in. "oh my god." I said looking at Carl. "What?" he asked looking at me. "you're not wearing your hat." I said. He shook his head smiling and looked away. I smiled closing the door behind me. "These are like mansions." He said as we looked around. "It's crazy.." i said looking at the kitchen. 

"It feels weird- they just giving them away.." i said. "Yeah." he said looking around. I looked at the books and sighed a bit as i walked around more. There was noise upstairs and we both looked up, then at each other. "Cmon." he said walking up the stairs. I followed him and we looked at the rooms. There was more noises, like thumps. We pulled out our knives and we walked towards the door. 

He opened it and it revealed another room. There were comic books and there was a rope hanging out the window. We walked back outside and closed the door and put my knife away. Someones been up here, looks like a kid, a teen like us maybe. He grabbed my hand and i looked at him. He walked up to me and kissed me. 

It shocked me, but i kissed back. We pulled away. "We got interrupted last time." He said looking at me. He was slightly taller than me, literally by an inch or two, wasn't much of a difference. I smiled looking at him. He returned it and i leaned back in to kiss him. He kissed back and we pulled away. I walked and he followed me, making me smile again. 

We ended up checking the house again. We walked back to the house and i saw Daryl gutting the possum he killed. "you took the comics.?" i asked noticing the rolled up comic books in his back pocket. I giggled taking them. "I mean yeah. I don't wanna get bored." He said as we walked inside. Daryl and Rick looked at us. "I'm reading this one." i said giving them back. 

"What? No. Cmon. I was gonna read that one first." He said as we walked up the steps. "Next best thing." he said holding out another one and looking me in the eyes. "cmon." he said looking at me. I narrowed my eyes at him and took it. "I'm reading it after.." I said giving him the other one and walking in. He smiled at me and we walked in. 

Rick smiled a bit. "You know that's been goin' on for a while right.?" Daryl asked focusing on the possum. "Yeah. They make each other smile. Don't see them that often. I'm alright with it. You?" Rick asked Daryl. "Mhm." he said. 

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