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~Aaliyah's Pov~

We went to go see the king, we made some sort of arrangement and we headed back home. We saw the Saviors here and Rick was asking them what was the reason that they were here. "We're looking for Daryl." He said. "Negan took Daryl." Rick said. Michael stepped out out of a house and looked at me. "Great." I mumbled looking at him. 

"Oh but then your son showed up." Simon said looking at Rick and pointed at Carl, "Daryl went missing, Might those two tings be connected?" Simon asked. "They're not. We didn't know he was gone till right now." Rick said. "Then this should be easy. Now, everyone find a buddy. Gonna have to follow us around. If he's here, We really need you all to see him die." he said. I looked at Simon. 

"Let's go girl." Michael said looking at me. I kept looking at him. "Now." He said looking at me. I sighed and walked to him. We started walking. "you don't happen to know where he is don't ya?" He asked. I kept walking, not looking at him. Ignoring him. We kept walking, "silent treatment." He said scoffing. I kept walking. The saviors trashed the place and we saw that the food was missing. All of it.. 

They were leaving. "My apologies for leaving the place a bit of a mess but we got a litany of other shit to attend to." Simon said as we walked. "So do you i guess. Tick-Tock." he said. "You're coming with us." Michael said pulling my arm. I pulled away from him. "The hell are you talking about." I said looking at him. 

"We don't have Daryl, why not have you until he's back." He said looking at me. "Great Idea!" Simon said looking at Rick. I kept looking at him. "No." Rick said shaking his head. "I'm not going with you," i said looking at Michael. "Yeah you are." he said looking at me. He grabbed my arm again and i pulled out my knife and cut his arm. 

"I told you not to touch me. Ever." I said holding the knife to him again. He smirked. "You're not the same." he said looking at me. "No shit." I said looking at him. "Walk." he said, I kept looking at him. He wasn't serious.. was he..? He got closer to me. "Walk." he said in a tone i swallowed the lump in my throat and my mind clicked. 

He triggers me, my past. I looked him in the eyes and he saw the look in my eyes change causing him to smirk. I kept my eyes on him, my heart was starting to race. "There you are." he said looking at me. He saw i was scared of him now. He took my knife and i didn't fight back, I didn't try to stop him from taking knife from me. "Aaliyah." Rick said looking at me. I couldn't move. I was stuck. Michael moved his head slightly, I didn't follow him by moving my head but i followed him with my eyes.

He raised an eyebrow looking at me, smiling. "Missed this you, darlin'. " he said giving me a gross smirk. 

(When he says "This you" he means when Aaliyah was constantly scared and on edge of him)

He grabbed my arm and i didn't put up a fight. I kept looking at him. He pulled me in and pushed me in the truck. I backed away and went to the far side of the seat, hitting the door. "I see any of you comin' after her. I'll shot 'er. She's only leverage. Nothin' else." Michael said and hopped in along with Simon. 

"Oh! And Rick!" Simon said once he closed the door to the Truck. "If Daryl ever does show up, two days from now, two months from now, hell to years from now, Just know there's no statue of limitations on this. Dixon's will have a family reunion! Keep that hatchet handy. You're gonna need it if he turns up with you people. And it wont turn out the way it did for your boy." He said and smacked the doors. 

The truck moved and i looked out the window. I didn't have my knife, Michael had it. And they had guns. I looked at one. "Don't even think about it." He said looking at me. I looked outside again, avoiding eye contact with any of them. 


We reached the Sanctuary. Michael took me to a room and threw me in there without telling me anything and locked the room. I looked around, my heart raced. It was a room, a regular room. It was like a small apartment. I looked around and looked for something. I tried the door, It was locked from the outside, there was no way i could open it from the inside unless i kicked it down. I got on the floor and looked under to see a gun against the wall in front of the door and two pairs of legs. Michael and someone else. 

I couldn't get out of here, they had guns. "Go get him," I hear another voice outside, It wasn't Michael. "yeah." He said, that was Michael. He walked away and i got up and kept looking for anything i would use here. I looked in the cabinets to see food, cups, plates, spoons. There were two empty slots and i'm guessing they were for knives and forks. 

"Damn it." i said and kept looking. There was literally nothing for me to use to defend myself. What was i gonna do? Throw books at who ever came through the door and run? Even if i did to that, how far would i get? These people, all of them had guns. Weapons and i had nothing. 

They wouldn't shoot a kid down would they? I kept looking around and saw nothing. I herd foot steps. Bottles. They had to have drinks right? I opened the fridge and saw bottles. I dumped what ever was inside them and cracked it. The door opened i held the broken bottle as i looked at the door. 

I saw Negan and Michael. "Oh!" Negan said looking at me and laughing a bit. He had his bat. "Put that down cmon sweetheart, we're not gonna hurt you," He said looking at me. "Get the hell out." I said looking at Michael. He didn't move. I threw it to the wall next to him and he flinched but Negan smiled at me. "I don't want you here. Get the hell out Michael." I said looking at him angry. 

"You heard her," He said looking at Michael. He walked out and closed the door behind him. I looked at Negan. "What the hell am i doing here." I said looking at Negan. He sat down on the couch and placed Lucille down next to him, against the couch. He held his hand out and gestured to the bed. 

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