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~Aaliyah's Pov~

We made it to the CDC but there was only one more person left, and his name is Dr. Jenner. We were staying here for however long we could, This place had food, running water. It was safe, what more can we ask for? We all took showers and ate. 

We had to give a blood sample in order to actually be able to stay here. Daryl ended up getting drunk and he fell asleep on the couch. I looked at him, the bottle was next to him, on the floor. I took it and put it on the table then threw a blanket over him. I turned off the light and went to bed too. 

~The next day~

"Liyah." I felt someone shake me. I clicked my tongue and rolled over to the other side. "Let's go," he said letting go of my arm. "..Go where?" i asked sleepily. "Breakfast." he said. as he sat down next to me, putting on his shoes. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. "Get up." He said throwing a pillow on my face. I giggled and pushed it off of me as i sat up, I took my hair out of the ponytail it was in and went to the restroom then headed out to put my shoes on. 

We walked into the dining room area to see everyone already eating, we ate too and headed over to the big room with all the computers where he showed us a playback of a brain from a person that was bit and turned into a walker. It showed us how that sickness took over the brain and makes you forget who you were and what makes you human. But now he was saying that there wasn't another place still running. "So there's nothing left anywhere? That's what you're saying?" Andrea asked. He didn't answer but the look in his eyes said it. 

He was the only person left trying to figure this out. "Man, i'm gonna get shitfaced drunk. Again." Daryl said putting his hands on his temples. I looked at Glenn, he was standing next to me. He looked down at me too and leaned against one of the computers. "Dr. Jenner, i know this has been taxing for you and i hate to ask one more question but.." Dale said as he walked. 

He pointed at the clock on the wall. "That clock, It's counting down. What happens at zero?" he asked. "Um- basement generators, they run out of fuel." He said and walked away. "And then?" Rick asked. Dr. Jenner didn't answer, he kept walking walking away from us. "Vi, what happens when the power runs out?" Rick asked the computer.

"When the power runs out, Facility-wide decontamination will occur." it said. I looked at Daryl confused as he walked to me. "Cmon." He said. I looked at Glenn and he nodded. "Go," he said. I ran a little, catching up to him. "What does that mean?" I asked as we reached our room. "Don't know." He said as he grabbed the bottle and sat down on the bed. He drank from the bottle and i looked at him. Sighed and sat on the couch. 

Suddenly the lights went out and the AC stopped working. I looked over at Daryl and stood up slowly once Daryl did too. "What happened.?" I asked. "Do it look like i know.?" He asked stepping outside with the bottle still in his hands. I followed him out and we saw the rest stepping out of their rooms as confused as we were. "Why is the air off?" Lori asked. "And the lights in our room?" Carol asked. I saw Jenner walk by in a white robe. "What's going on? Why's everything turned off?" Daryl asked as he looked at everyone Jenner grabbed the bottle from Daryl's hand. 

"Energy use is being prioritized." he said and kept walking, we followed him down the hall. "Air isn't priority.?? And lights?!" Dale asked. Everything suddenly shut down in the halls too. I looked back to see a single light was on, My heart stopped and caught up to Daryl again. I grabbed his arm as he walked, he held it back and walked quicker, trying to catch up to Jenner. "It's not up to me. Zone 5 is shutting itself down." he said not slowing down. "Hey! Hey! What the hell's that mean?!" Daryl called out to him. Jenner didn't answer any of the questionsasked, all he did was walk. 

"Hey man I'm talkin' to you," he said and pulled his hand away from me. He caught up to Jenner, "What do you mean it's shutting itself down? How can a building do anything?" Daryl asked. "You'd be surprised." Jenner said walking. "Rick?" Lori asked looking down, I looked down too, i saw Shane, Rick, T-Dog and Glenn coming in the big room from another entrance. 

We all went down to the computers again. I went to Glenn and looked at him confused. He put a hand on my shoulder and kept it there. "It was the French." Jenner said as he handed the bottle back to Daryl. "What?" Andrea asked. "They were the last ones to hold out as far as i know. While our people were bolting out the doors and committing suicide in the hallways, They stayed in the labs till the end. They thought they were close to a solution." he said and walked a bit further. "What happened?" Jaqui asked. "Same thing that's happening here. No power grid. Ran out of juice. The word runs of fossil fuel- I mean how stupid is that?" He asked looking at us then walking away further. 

"Let me tell you what's-" Shane said starting to go to him. Rick stopped him and pulled him back. "To hell with it Shane. I don't even care." He said and looked at Lori. I looked at the clock on the wall, it showed 30 minutes and counting. "Lori, grab our things. Everybody get your stuff. We're getting out of here now!" Rick yelled. "Alright, Cmon." Glenn said putting a hand on my back, We started moving towards the doors but a loud alarm went off making me jump slightly. I covered my ears a bit and looked around to see red lights flashing all over the room. "What is that??" I asked looking at Glenn. "I- I don't know." he said looking back at the screen. "30 minutes to decontamination." the computer said.

"Doc what's going on here?!" T-Dog called out. He didn't answer. "Everybody! Ya'll heard Rick go get your stuff and let's go! Go now!" Shane called out. "Cmon." Glenn said and we went towards the doors but they closed up. We all stopped looking at it ."Why-" i said looking at at he door confused. "Did you just lock us in?" Glenn asked looking Jenner, letting me go. "He just locked us in!" Glenn yelled. I looked around looking for my brother. "You son of a bitch!" I heard him yell. I looked back to see him running towards.

"You locked us in here!" Daryl yelled trying to get at him, "Shane!" Rick called out, T-Dog and Shane went to him, stopping him from going after Jenner. My heart was racing, everyone was freaking out.


After a while of us fighting, We finally got him to open the gates and let us leave. Jaqui ended up staying inside with Jenner. We made it out though. The place exploded and we were on our way to leave the city but the RV broke down again, we were stuck in the highway with a bunch of cars piled up. We were looking around for things we could use since we couldn't get through. I felt hands on my arms and i looked back to see Daryl. He pushed me back and i turned around, "Get down." he said pushing me down to the floor. He pushed me under a car. "What!? Why-" He cut me off. "Don't leave. Don't make a sound." Daryl said looking me dead in the eyes. "Daryl-" he cut me off. "Aaliyah." He said sternly. "Okay- okay." I said looking at him. He got up quickly and took off. I looked back at him to see him running but i also saw everyone else under cars. I heard footsteps- like feet being dragged. I looked back to see walkers, a lot of them. 

Too many. 

My heart dropped to my stomach as i saw them all shuffle past the car i was under in. 

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