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🐝💛Smile Smile💛🐝

~Aaliyah's Pov~

The gunfire stopped and we were taking Michonne back to the cell block, she hurt her foot kicking one of the walkers off of her. Carl tan and i looked over to see his dad. I took his place and supported MIchonne. "Hey- you might want to stay back." Rick said holding his hand out, it was covered in blood.

Carl hugged him. "I'm sorry. I didn't see you come out." Carl said worried. "It's okay. I'm here, I'm fine. But back away." He said as they pulled away. "Daryl." i said looking at Rick. "He's okay." He said looking at me. "I had to use one of the guns by the gate. I swear i didn't want to." Carl said backing away.

"I was coming back. I fell. They came out and helped me." Michonne said. "You alright?" he asked looking at Her. Carl came back to us. "What happened in there? Maggie asked. We saw a woman walk out with a small body in her arms, covered in a blanket. I looked at her sadly as she walked. "Patrick got sick last night." Rick said.

We looked at him. "It some kind of flu. It moves fast. We think he died and attacked the cell block." He said looking at us. He looked at Carl. "look- i know he was your friend. He was a good kid. We lost a lot of good people." he said and looked at us again. "Glenn, Your dad and Daryl are okay, but they were in there. You shouldn't get too close to anyone that might have been exposed." He said looking at us.

Carl came back to us. "At least for a little while.. All of you." he said looking at us. We nodded and took her inside.


Carl and I were back with Rick. We saw him taking apart the pen, all the piglets were gone and his shirt was covered in blood. "Think the pigs made them sick?" Carl asked as Rick piled up wood planks. "Or we made the pigs sick.. I think we should stay away from Judy for a while. Just in case." rick said. "okay," Carl said. "I don't like it but-" Carl cut him off. "We have to protect her." he said.

"Yes we do." Rick said. Carl didn't speak. "Rick," i said looking at him. "Yeah." He said looking at me. "Carol's been teaching the kids how to use weapons, how to kill." I aid. "Their parents don't know and she doesn't want you to know. But i think you should let her. And i know it's not up to you but it can be." Carl said finishing what i had to say.

Rick poured gasoline on the planks and said nothing. "Dad?" Carl asked. "Thank you for telling me." He said looking at both of us. "Yeah," Carl said as he walked and put the gas tank down. "I won't stop her, won't say anything." Rick said and lit them on fire. Rick walked away. "Carl." He said. I stayed where i was and Carl walked to Rick. I looked over and he handed Carl his gun and took his belt out.

"Cmon," Carl said and we walked away from Rick.

~Later on that same day~

"Hey," I looked over to see Michonne, "Hey." i said. "Daryl's going on a run, I'm going with him, but he wants to stay away from you," He said. I nodded looking at her, We were separating people who weren't infected. I nodded looking at her. "Also, he wanted to let you know that he's feeling okay. And we'll be back soon." She said. I nodded looking at her. "okay, be careful." I said looking at her.

"We will," she said and walked away. "Cmon," I looked over to see Carl. We walked and ended up going to the offices and we stayed away from everyone that was infected.


It was dark out, Carl and I were with Rick. There were more and more walkers coming and denting the fence so we were trying to stop it from actually caving in, We were putting logs up just in case but we heard a crack and we looked over to see one of the logs break. Rick ran to it but the other one broke and they started coming in. "Run!" Rick said. Carl grabbed my hand and pulled me as we ran. "Dad cmon!" he called out looking back for Rick. We let go and i opened the door to the tower and we ran inside.

We came out the other side and we saw walkers trying to get in through the door that we got in from. "What do we do?" I asked looking at Rick. My heart was racing. "Maybe i could back the bus up against the fence." Rick said. "Will it hold?"Carl asked. He looked at us but back at the fence, they saw us and started breaking the other fence. "Cmon." Rick said grabbing us both and we ran.

He gave us machine guns. "Pockets." he said handing us ammo. We put them in our pockets and handed us the guns. "Alright both of you listen to me." Rick said. We looked at him. "Magazine goes in here. Release is here." He said showing us. We followed his lead. "Make sure it latches. Pull back the operating rod and rounds speed up." he sad as we ran back to the walkers.

"Keep squeezing the trigger for rapid fire okay?" he asked and stopped in front of us. "You shoot or you run. Don't let 'em get close okay?" he asked looking at us in the eyes. We nodded. The fence went down and they stetted coming in. We aimed the guns and started taking down the walkers.

All of us had good aim. I was surprised that Carl and I had good aim with these guns since we never used them before. "back up!" Rick said. We reloaded and kept shooting until they were all down. We went around and made sure they were all down. Stabbing the ones that were still not dead- again.

We heard a car. They were back. "Dad, everything's gonna be okay." Carl said. We went and opened the gate for them. They got out of a van. "Sasha. Hows Sasha?" Ty asked. "I don't know." Rick said. "Alright get in there." Daryl said getting out. I hugged him and he hugged back. "You alright?" he asked looking down at me.

I nodded as he held me. I was so glad that he wasn't sick and he came back okay. He held me close.

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