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I was planning to have a talk with Zayn a day before Luke arrives here, and that means today. But me being the stupid and always-forget-everything me didn't remember my own plan until 9 PM. He sent me a DM said 'hi' and it was from 3hrs ago. He was still online until about 10minutes before I open my laptop, and I replied him

'Are we gonna talk or what?'

'I wanna make something clear before the new year'

And no reply alright whatever, he was gone for a week and two days and when he came back he said hi and then gone. What a cool guy. I exit my insta and open Wattpad and drown myself in the fanfic until I fell asleep.

I have to do so many things once I woke up. My mum is nowhere to be seen and my little brother was eating innocently. He told me that my mum left a note for me and I read it.

'I'm going to the groceries store. 

Please brush and sweep the floor then make all the beds. After you're done, do all the dishes and bath your brother. Thanks.'

Yeah cool, just woke up and have so many things to do. I do as I told and it's already 3 PM when I able to touch my laptop. I open my Instagram straight after I turn it ON then check the DM.

'I have so many things to talk about with you'

'Yeah, same, who's gonna start first?'

'You go first.'

'Alright so please don't interrupt until I'm done'

'Firstly I'm so sorry for everything I've done and broken our promise.'

'Secondly, I wanna tell you that I can't do this anymore.'

'Thirdly, I said that because I feel like I never really know you, know as know you'

'Fourthly I wanna say thanks for whatever you've done for me'

'And yeah, that's all'

'Alright, I just wanna say sorry for everything I did'

'I'm sorry that I can't make you happy'

'I'm sorry that all I did was just making you sad'

'And I kind of wanna end this thing too.'

'So because I'm the one that started it, I'll also be the one that ends it.'

'Thanks for everything.'

'Yeah, 'kay'

' :) '


I made some dance move and screaming happily internally. My brother watched me like I was a mad person when I do the dance move, but he kept quiet. I told all my lovely bestie about this, and they said they're happy as long as I'm happy.

I'll be single for 2hrs and then when I tell Luke, he might be exploding. He'll get a big surprise I swear. I took the home's phone and call Louis.

"Lou, can I borrow your Range Rover?"

"Yeah sure, what for by the way, Is your car okay?"

"It's fine. I wanna pick the Hemmings family up they're coming in 2hrs."

Long Way Home [Lashton bxb] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now