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"Yo ssup with that happy grin bitch?"

"Nothing," I said still grinning like mad.

"C' mon there must be something that makes you that happy."

"It's nothing Luke, really."

"Alright alright, ssup with your exam, I mean how was it?"

"It's fine. Today is the last day, and I think I did all of them pretty well?"

"Why you sound like you were questioning it?"

"I'm kinda scared about my score. I broke my phone this Wednesday sorry that I forgot to tell you about this, and my classmate said that the result will be announced from WhatsApp."

"Fuck, then how will you find out?"

"That's why Lukey. I think I'll just ask Danielle for informing me every single detail."

"Your new bestie, you mean?"


"I'm hoping the score won't come out before Monday. So the teacher will just announce it in the class and you don't have to be a grabby-grabby bitch towards your bestie."

"Let's hope that it'll come true."

"What if the score is like not enough?"

"You have to re-take it. And that's what we'll be doing for Monday until Wednesday."

"What about the other that doesn't have to re-take it?"

"You still have to stay at school, just gossiping in the cafeteria I guess. I don't know."

"Be a little bichacho and swing that hips in the cafeteria. I bet they wouldn't be able to take their attention away from you after that."

"I'm not that bitchy you ass."

"I'm Luke, not Ass. It's you by the way. Asston,"

"Fuck of, bitch."

"I'm your bitch!" He said grinning proudly.

"Come take a taste on my body!"

"Gladly!" He said make grabby- grabby hand to the screen.

"You wish Lukey, you wish," I said waving my hand in dismissal.

We continue to talk about random things just like we used to do before I called it a night and he told me that he won't be able to Skype me until Friday because he'll be in a school's trip with his classmate and no phone or laptop is allowed to bring. Just camera and necessary thing are allowed.

I was fine with it because heyyy he warned me before so I don't have to worry about his ass. We say our goodbye again and the screen goes black.

I hate my friends
I hate my classmates
I hate those bitches

Long Way Home [Lashton bxb] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now