THE PROMISE [chap.9]

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It's already February now, and I'm so excited about my aunt. It's been two years since the last time I saw her. Well, although we text each other every day and would make a phone call every once a week or something, it's just different. When you were face-to-face and when you were just via call or text.

She really is a nice woman for me, and she understands me better than my mum, so we're kinda closer than most aunt-and-nephew.

Her son (which means is my cousin) said that she'll arrive here on 11th February and today is 11th. The plane will land at 7 PM and it was still 2 PM, so I took my time for a nice shower and walking around my room just to deciding which clothes I should wear.

I'm done with my shower at 3.30 and done with my clothes at 4 PM. I have 3hrs to reach the airport, but the airport is so far away.

I walked downstairs and watch some cartoons. I just need 1hr and a half to reach the airport by the way. The clock reads it's already 5 PM so I took my key, and walked towards my car. I know it's illegal for me to drive when I'm not even 15 yet and the legal age is 18, but I don't care. I drive safely and I've never harm other people on the street, so everything still in its cool way.

I passed the speed limit as I drove my car in the highway. I break the rules, like a lot, but I'm still not in jail because well, first of all, the police never realized that I'm still underage, seconds of all like I said before I never harm other people, and third of all I just break the rules when I really need to. Like for this time, I have to pass the speed limit so I can arrive there on time and not making my aunt waiting for me any longer. She's tired so I better arrive there on time so she can take her rest ASAP.

6.30PM and I just passed the first gate. I drove it to terminal 3 which mean the terminal for the international arrival, and wait for her to show up. I parked my car behind a taxi and rolled down my window. Well, it's actually no use since it's already dark outside, but I think this car will look so different from the other, because all the taxi is blue, and my car is creamy-coffee color.

Seems like I arrived way too early. I rolled up my window and left my car to get some coffee and maybe a snack. I locked my car and walked casually toward star bucks. I grab a vanilla latte along with tiramisu cake from a bread shop. I walked back to my car and open the door before I slip in. I rolled down the window again and eat my cake slowly while playing on my phone.

It's already 7.10PM but she hasn't shown up yet. I think she hasn't found her luggage yet or something happens on her way.

Not long after that, I saw her looking to her left and right and she seems like she still hasn't seen me yet, so I open my door and got out of my car. I walked toward her way and close my mouth with my hand.

Fucking hell, it must be just a dream. No no no, it can't be real. It'd be too good to be true. But, but he's there. Looking straight at my eyes with soft eyes and a warm smile. I can feel my eyes brimming with tears but I'm still planted to the ground.

"C' mon, give us a warm hug." My aunt said.

"I.. I.. I'm shocked. Is... Is it even real?"

"Yes, it is. C'mon gives me your koala hug." He said dropping his luggage and opened his arm widely.

I'm still frozen so he walked forward and closed the gap by hugging my waist tightly.

"I miss you, ma bitch." He whispered in my ear.

"You're... You're here."

"I am, and I keep my promise, aren't I?" He asked and I just nodded, hugging his neck tightly and nuzzled my head under his chin.

"Go give her your hug." He said softly as he pulled away slowly. I turn to my aunt and gave her my big smile.

"Mummy!!" I said and wrapped my arms around her waist. I miss her so much, oh my god.

"Hey, my lil boy." She said sweetly hugging me back.

"Ready to go home, mum?"

"Sure, I'm so tired, c' mon!" She said giving my hand a tight squeeze before she walked toward my car. She left one of her luggage behind, so I pulled it along with me.

He called the airport boy, and asked him to helps him carry all his luggage, yes he bring more than 3 luggage. This boy, I swear.

I drove the car in silent still too shocked to think about starting a conversation. We arrived at home, and my cousin helps them to carry their luggage.

"Okay, so we just have three bedrooms here, and let's set the room. You'll sleep with Ash, and I'll take my son's room. And you, my son, will sleep downstairs. Am I clear?"

"Mum, why would I take the downstairs' room?"

"You always come home late, and I don't want to disturb our guest while he was taking a rest."

"Alright alright, yeah whatever." He said then went to his room to take some things that he might need for the night.

It'll be so interesting. I have a guest that knows nothing about this country, so it seems like we have so many adventures ahead.

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