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The next four days passed just as usual, and it is weekend now, and I planned to go somewhere with Luke. Well, he doesn't know actually but I'm sure as hell that he'd agree with everything I decide for him. He was taking a nap right now, I'm lied next to him, wide awake, and cuddling to his side. My hands played with his messy hair, while he was hugging my waist. Moments later, he starts to stir around and finally open his eyes.


"Should I say oops or hey?" I asked smiling a little. He rolled his eyes and nuzzled his head to my neck.

"C' mon, don't fall asleep again I have a plan for our weekends," I said to make him suddenly pulled out at look at me straight in the eyes.

"Are you saying that we will do an adventure?" He said with sparkling eyes. I nodded my head and he let out an oh-so-manly scream before he hugged me tightly, a little too tight because I start to lose my breath. I patted his back telling him to pull away.

He gave me that 'I'm sorry' look then jumped out from the bed. He put some of his tee, flannel, blazer, and other things inside his smallest luggage I just grab some band-tee along with a red flannel while he actually almost threw everything inside his luggage.

"Are you done over there, Lu?"

"Yes, I'm as ready as I can be."

Since we both already took a shower before the nap, I just changed my sweatpants into a skinny and same goes to him. He put a shirt on and we both walked downstairs.

"Mum, Imma take a little adventure out of town, and please don't tell mama or she'll freak out. Just tell her that I'm somewhere in town doing shopping things or whatever, Love you, mum!" I scream from the front door. She was in the kitchen I guess because she replied with another shout.

"Just take care of yourself, and keep an eye on that British boy." She said and I replied with an 'aye aye' before I closed the door and slip in inside my car.

"Out of town, really?"

"Yes really," I said before driving the car out the driveway.

"But you're still illegal."

"Live your life a little, my boy. Where's the fun if you always follow the rules and laws?"

"But is it even safe, like for us? We won't get lost, will we?"

"Lu, calm down it's safe I swear. I've done this plenty of times and I'm still alive until now. And I know for sure about the way, it's like my other house you know."

"You have a house out of town? Like is it truly yours?"

"Well, it's inside the woods and at the side of a cliff. And I can't say it's truly mine because I found that house like 4years ago almost in all damage and ready to break down. So we, as in me and my cousins, make the way to this house a little wider so cars can get in and we choose to re-build it without replacing the old design, like the original design. The construction is done 3years ago, and until now, the previous owner never showed up and no one seems to know about that house. So, it's mine then. We did lots of fun things there." I explained to him. He looks at me with that astonished eye and a long 'oh' leave his lips.

"I'm curious and excited about this house."

"I'm sure you'll like it. But first of all, I wanna try to go there in a new direction."

"As in the way that you've never passed before?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"You're crazy, I don't wanna get lose."

"Well, if I am honest, I wanna get lost and drive forever with you talking 'bout nothing yeah whatever, babe."

"It's Long Way Home."

"It is, and we're going to be far away from home, so why not trying new things?"

"And if we get lost?"

"I'll tryna find a way back home."

"And it was Broken Pieces." He said and I replied with an uh-huh.

"Put that cable in your phone, just blast the music already," I said and he was fast to obey my order.

He turned up the volume and we sang along together. Feels like we were trying to rip our throat with this loud scream.

"We're in the woods. Is it still far away?"

"Maybe yes, maybe no. This one is a new track for me. We weren't supposed to be in the woods now, but I choose this track and see where it goes." I said shrugging carelessly.

"I swear, I'll haunt you if I end up dead in this wood."

"You won't die, trust me. Although it's a new track, I'm sure that we're not that far from the usual track that I used to take. So it's same, everything will be fine." I said calming him down. I pulled out my phone and gave it to him,

"Set on the playlist called Bitchy Bitch, we're blasting that now." He obeyed and 5SOS song came through the speakers. He turned the volume until 100 and we were back to sing our hearts out again. Let's just say I'm very grateful to have a boyfriend that was in the same fandoms as me.





"SO WE'RE TAKING THE LONG WAY HOME, TONIGHTTTT" We sang together and laughed after that.

"So, you agree on getting lost and drive forever with me then?" I asked him cocking my eyebrows. His cheeks redden and he nodded his head slowly. I chuckled at him and continue to humming along with the song.

Long Way Home [Lashton bxb] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now