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It was December 14th,

"HEY MY BITCAHCHO" He screams from the screen.

"Hey there little cat." I said waving a little at him.




"It's not like you'll meet Nothsa or something."

"But what if I meet him?"

"Take bunch of pictures and make a video of him saying something for me then ask his signature."

"Nah, I don't want to do that. You doubt me before, so you won't get anything."

"Luke pleaseeee..." I said giving him my innocents look.


"Pretty please, Luluuu" I said trying my best puppy's eyes.

"Nope and nope,"

"Fine, I won't allow you to sleep in the same room as me then, and no hugs or cuddles."

"Noooo, not with that one please, fine yeah fine, I'll do that if I meet him. But it's just if. IF. I and F, IF." He said and I let out a loud 'yay'

"How's Australia by the way?"

"It's awesome, oh my god I can't believe I've never visit this country before."

"It seems like you really love it."

"Yupp, I really love the warm sun and the soft wind. It'll be my first Christmas in summer too! I'm so excited oh my god!!"

"Calm yourself duh" I said laughing at him.

"Ssup with your boy toy by the way?"

"We're in a huge argument, haven't talked in person since Thursday 6th. He's the one that start acting like a strangers but he blame me for that. Jealous bitch,"

"What do you mean by jealous bitch?"

"So, uh during our exams, we were classed with the sophomore's student, and then there's this boy from sophomore that helps me study physics, and he gave me a death glare since then. Whatever, I don't give a damn anymore."

"You seem so tired of him?"

"I am. If I be honest, I don't even know him. Like 'know' him."

"Then why did you accept him?"

"I don't know, just a sudden respond I guess, and that's all."

"Make it clear Hun, I feel sorry for him."

"Nah, we'll just see what will happen in the next few days."

"Yeah sure, whatever you want. How are you by the way?"

"I'm fine, I passed the exams really well, so I don't have to re-take them, and I'm pretty content with it."

"And ssup with that bitch?"

"He's on his own world trying to re-take almost all of his exams."

"You didn't help?"

"No thanks, I have a new bestie that much better than him. Enough about me, now ssup with the others by the way..." I said stopping him with all the 'ssup' in his mind.

"They're fine, can't wait to see you and celebrate the Christmas during summer, just same like me."

"Great great, glad to know that. Where are they?"

"Inside their room probably, trying to fight the jet lag."

"Ah I see, the bitch is always there, but you seem fine?"

"I don't know, the bitch didn't have me this time I guess."


"Yeah, are you still going to the school next Monday?"

"Yeah, class meeting and some shit like that. I already skipped Thursday and Friday, so I guess I'll go next Monday." I said giggling at the end.

"You better go." He said yawning at the end.

"Go to sleep, I'll Skype you again tomorrow."

"Keep me on up-date about your boy toy."

"Sure sure, now go to sleep, Lu."

"Nite nite, Ashy"

"G'night, Lu."

I'm fucked up.

Long Way Home [Lashton bxb] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now