Chapter 28- Christmas

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Christmas came bright and beautiful and with it, the joy of Christmas especially in Kemi's home. It seemed like a dream but her parents were back together. Kemi was overjoyed the day her dad moved back home and they had dinner like the happy family they had always been.

To think that they were at the verge of a divorce only to be happy once again proved that there was nothing broken that couldn't be fixed by God. If only it applied to Kemi and Kunbi. In the following days after her Dad returned home, Kemi decided to focus on their happiness and count her blessings even if they weren't much. Her company was at a complete stand still because the new lawyer kept disappointing her, her engagement was still off and she had completely shut down the Antonio train station. Kunbi she assumed was moving on fine with his wife to be or so she thought. Everything was still practically a mess except the fact that her family was back together and that was good enough for her to be thankful.

Kemi admired herself in the maroon floor length dinner gown she was wearing that had silver stones arranged stylishly on the upper part of the gown. It was off shoulder and the sleeves were of fine lace. Kemi had made her hair beautifully in a one side packing, so that the thick curls poured to one side of her face. She picked up her lip gloss and added a second coat to her lips as a finish to her beautiful make up. Shoulders high, Kemi walked away from the mirror knowing she looked damn good even with the extra weight she gained from depressed eating. As she left her room, she could hear the music and laughter of guests that had arrived for the elaborate dinner her parents had thrown to celebrate Christmas and their union. This was the first time they had such a large Christmas celebration, usually it was a nice dinner with Kunbi's family and while their parents went to watch a show on the television Kunbi and Kemi escaped to the backyard where they talked late into the night.

Kemi wished christmas was that simple but considering the way things had turned out, a large dinner was probably the best.

"You look stunning." Mr George said to Kemi as she descended the stairs. Her entrance had turned some heads but none of the attention bothered Kemi anymore.

"Thank you dad. You look handsome too." She placed a kiss on her father's cheek.

"Are you okay?" Mr George studied his daughters face.

Kemi tried to laugh it off. "Yes dad, I am fine."

"Are you sure? Because I know things have been tough for you. I mean Antonio should have been here by now."

Kemi took in a sharp breath. The last thing she wanted was to think about Antonio or Kunbi. "I am fine dad. Thank you." She managed a smile convincing enough for her dad to leave her. Immediately he was out of sight, Kemi brought out her phone and typed a message to Tracey. "Where are you???" She waited for a response but when none came immediately, Kemi turned off the back light and found herself a drink.

As more guests arrived, Kemi's mum Stella, found her greeting an old family friend that had come and quickly pulled Kemi aside. "Kemi I want to tell you something, your dad and I reached out to your brother and invited him for this dinner."

Kemi's eye widened in surprise. "Really? Oh my God. Is he coming? Why didn't you tell me since?"

Stella swallowed "Well because we have only spoken a couple of times and met once. I didn't want to rush it because our relationship is still strained. It was your dad's idea to invite him over to meet the family officially. At first your brother said he was not going to make it but I just got a call from him, he is coming."

"Wow!" Kemi placed a hand on her forehead as she tried to process all her mum said. Her brother was coming over.

"If you don't want to see him I can call and..."

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