Chapter 17- Picture perfect

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"How are you feeling?"

Kemi gazed at her cup of coffee, watching as the steam evaporated in waves out of the cup before she picked it up from the table and used its warmth to warm her freezing palms.

"I don't know, I am confused." She took a little sip of her coffee with hooded eyes, then placed the cup back on the table. Kunbi watched her carefully, as he tried to decipher what exactly was on Kemi's mind. It was much easier when they were younger, but right before him was a complicated young woman.

Kemi leaned back into her chair as the sleeves of her grey sweatshirt covered her hands to the point that only her slender finger tips showed. She also had on a dark blue denim which she paired with black boots. But her outfit was the least of her concern.

"Which is more confusing? Your building or your parents?" Kunbi asked. His cup of coffee laid untouched all through the 15 minutes they had been there.

"Both? I don't know." Kemi took a deep breath and released it.

"I mean how can the engineer do such a thing? The instructions were specific and clear. I wanted that space upstairs to be converted to my personal conference room while the room beside it to be used by my assistant. But now he has just..."

Kemi trailed off. Kunbi watched her quietly, he knew the building although a problem, wasn't the major problem.

And then my parents! I can't deal with them going through a divorce. I remember how I use to imagine what it feels like to be from Tracey's family. You know, a broken home. Now that would be me."

Kunbi leaned in, grasped one of Kemi's hands and held on to it reassuringly.

"On the bright side Tracey turned out just fine." He smiled in an attempt to make things light. Kemi smiled back and looked out of the window, it was raining cats and dogs. The weather was as gloomy as she felt and it almost felt as if the heavens were weeping with her at her predicament.

But somewhere unknown to both Kunbi and Kemi someone was watching them and taking their pictures.

"Look Kemi, I am sure something could be done to rectify the mistake done. Tops, the engineer will build what he demolished on his pocket. And about your parents, I have a plan okay?"

"I am listening."

Kunbi shook his head at her response "Okay, there is this book I heard about. 5 love languages by Gary Chapman. I think we should both read it and see how we could help your parents practice some of the suggestions in the book."

"How will that help?" Kemi asked skeptically.

"Kemi! C'mon, we could read marriage books and research all there is to know about fixing a broken relationship or marriage. We would also pray for them. I think it is a good shot and we should give it a try."

Kemi looked at Kunbi for a while and just when Kunbi started second guessing his suggestion, Kemi spoke up. "Tess is one lucky woman."

"Sorry?" Kunbi was taken aback. Her statement was unexpected.

"Thank you Kunbi." She squeezed his hand that had been holding hers. "You talked about praying for my parents. Are you still a good Christian?"

Kunbi leaned back into his seat and scratched his head. "I don't think I have been good Kemi."

"Why? Remember you led me to Christ when we were younger."

Kunbi smiled sadly. "Maybe it is your turn to lead me back to him."


"Do you want to get out of here? I think the rain has reduced." Kunbi said changing the topic. Talking about Jesus Christ was always a sore topic for him because he felt he had falling too far away to start finding his way back. Where would he start from?

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