Chapter 6 Mum's love

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Kemi loved her time with her mum. Especially in the kitchen. Why? Because as her mum cooked, Kemi ate. That was the way it had always been and that day wasn't any different.

Kemi leaned on the counter in the kitchen as she plopped a piece of fried plantain in her mouth. She moaned at the golden brown delight and opened her eyes to see her mum's glare.

"Stop stealing the plantain for dinner"

Kemi smiled guiltily and sighed "Okay fine." She walked to Suliyat who was chopping carrot and joined her only briefly to appear busy to her mum.

"So when do you want to start working on the legal documents?"

"As soon as possible. Tracey has been busy, she promised to connect me with someone who was very good at these things according to her." Kemi dropped the knife and left the chopping to Suliyat.

Kemi's mum smiled to herself "I have someone who could help too."

Kemi rolled her eyes as her legs carried her back to the counter where the golden brown plantain was kept.

"Really? Who?" she picked another piece and was about to put it in her mouth when her mother hit her hand. The plantain dropped back in to the colander as Kemi rubbed the back of her hand.

"You will meet him soon."

"Fine!" she walked away from the plantain and went to the refrigerator to get a drink. "How soon can I meet him?"

"Leave that juice it is for dinner." Her mum warned.

"Argggh is everything in this house for dinner?"

"Yes! Her mum answered curtly "How does tomorrow sound for the meeting?"

"Sounds good to me." She sat on the deep freezer in the kitchen, a bad habit of hers she still hadn't stopped.

"Dad has not been joining us for dinner. Will he come back early today for dinner?"


Kemi eyed the back of her mum's head suspiciously.


"He is busy."

Not good enough Kemi thought "Busy doing? He is not handling a contract at the moment is he?"

"Why don't you ask him when he gets back?"

"Hmm! Maybe I just will. You both have been acting really strange since I got back. Is there anything I should know?"

"All you need to know is that we will go and see the lawyer tomorrow at 2 pm."

Kemi frowned. Her mum had just changed the topic. Touché! "You haven't even called him/her. How do you know 2 pm will be appropriate?"

Her mum gave her a knowing smile. "Trust me, he will always make time for me."

Kemi jumped down from the fridge and took out the bread to microwave.

"That is for breakfast tomorrow."

"Arggggg!" she screamed in frustration as she stormed off.

"It's for your own good. I don't want you adding weight.

"It's my body! I don't care." She screamed. "I am going to call Antonio."

Her mum laughed to herself.

Kemi grunted her way to the sitting room, where she had left her phone and sat on the couch, tucking her legs underneath her. She picked her phone and dialled Antonio. She listened to the phone ring a while and just when she thought he wouldn't pick up, he picked the call.

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