Chapter 1 Return

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This is the final boarding call for flight SA584, from Minnesota to South Africa boarding at gate 9."

Kemi was perched at a corner, in the waiting area of Rochester International airport, as her fingers dug into the flesh of her palm. The coolness of the metal seat, was seeping through her cloth and she didn't know how long she could sit there considering she had arrived a while ago. Kemi glanced at her wristwatch, gold plated with diamond stones lining the inside and although it was 1300hours, Kemi could not ignore the cold she was feeling.

The airport was relatively busy for a Friday in late September and as the passengers on flight SA584 headed to the boarding gate, Kemi glanced at the jumbo screen that displayed the flight schedule.

Her flight NG 348 to Lagos, Nigeria was scheduled to depart in 15 minutes.

Yes! After 10 years in the United States and two degrees, Kemi was finally going back home. The conflicting emotions of nervousness and excitement made her a big emotional mess.

She was excited to see her parents again, even though they had visited her a couple of times over the past years. She was also thrilled to see Tracey her best friend, who had skyped with her from the very day she got to the United States.

Despite her excitement, Kemi wondered how it will be like to be back in Nigeria. From what she had heard, a lot had changed. Well, she too had changed. A lot! She was no longer the uncertain little girl that left Nigeria, No! She was now a successful woman, returning home to start her company. As she thought about all the things she had to do, her thoughts betrayed her and drifted to Kunbi. Oh! how that name still brought a churning feeling to her gut and sped up her heartbeat.

Will she see him again? What was he doing now?

Her ringing phone was a welcomed distraction for her. She pulled it out, and looked at the caller ID that showed Antonio calling, along with a picture from their pre-wedding photo-shoot from last summer. It was the best summer of her life!

Antonio had taken her out on their second year anniversary, to celebrate that faithful day they met at his art exhibition. As the dinner progressed, he made a big show by going on one knee to propose.

"Hello Babe, I miss you already." He said immediately she picked the call.

Kemi found herself giggling to his charming Italian accent "and I miss you more."

"The house is so empty without you." He said huskily. Kemi closed her eyes and imagined his duplex glass house that had become her home in the last 3 months.

"Can't you forget the flight and come back home to me? I promise to make you that hot chocolate you love so much every night."

"Hmmm! So tempting, but you know I have to go back."

"We could go back together in December."

"December is too late for me and you know it."

"Okay, what if I finish my new collection by November so we could go together?"

Kemi smiled. Antonio was so sweet "Baby, you need to take your time with that collection. It is important! Besides, we discussed this already, I need to go ahead and start the company, while you come join me for Christmas and New Year. A perfect time to meet my parents."

"Aha! My in-laws." He said with a thick accent and chuckled deeply.

The line was silent for a few seconds before he groaned "Two months without you, I will be fucking mad!"

Kemi laughed "language Babe!"

"I am sorry."

"What are you up to?" Kemi asked, when she heard shuffling.

"Working on a new painting."

"Really? Can you describe it to me?"

"Nope!" Came his reply.


"I can't. Not yet! But I can tell you that you inspired the piece."

Kemi sighed with contentment.

"When are you boarding?"

"Shortly" She said as she glanced at the jumbo screen again.

"Alright safe flight love. Call me when you can."

"I will."

"Ti amo tanto."

"Ti amo troppo." She replied. She had picked up a few Italian words from Antonio within their years of being together.

The announcement of her flight came shortly after the call. Kemi grabbed her handbag as she walked up to the gate, with her passport and flight ticket.

Once on the plane, Kemi looked out the window as the plane took off. She stared at the landscape, admiring its beauty for a while, till a feeling of Nostalgia overwhelmed her.

It was only 10 years ago that she sat at the window of a plane heading out of Nigeria with a broken heart and severed relationship.

And even though she spent a majority of her flight time reassuring herself over and over again, Kemi couldn't shake the feeling that Nigeria could very well be the beginning of her undoing.

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