Chapter 2 Change

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The happy chatters died down slowly and glasses were raised, as Mr Peters stood up to give his speech.

He cleared his throat and adjusted his three piece suit that fitted his build perfectly. Even at the age of 57, he still looked like he was in his 30s.

"Thank you very much for honouring my invitation, I must say that it has indeed being my pleasure to have worked with you all. Even through tough times." He paused and smiled "I know I might not have been the boss of the year, especially when we had to meet eye to eye on project deadlines."

The laughter of guests reverberated around the very large conference room.

"Without taking much of your time, I did promise a party and not a meeting." He looked around the room before speaking again "It is with great joy in my heart to officially announce I will be stepping down as CEO of the company for my pride, my only son." He looked at Kunbi who was standing tall, in a royal blue suit and crisp white shirt, completed with a maroon tie and pocket square. His son had grown up to be a good handsome young man of 28 years old, who had been called to bar and who also had a second degree in business management from Coventry University.

He had taken Kunbi under his mentorship and now, he was certain he was the perfect successor.

"With a clap ovation, let us welcome Barrister Kunbi Peters."

As the guests and employees clapped, Kunbi stepped up to his father, until he was side by side with him.

"You all who have worked under his leadership for the past two years can testify that indeed he is a great leader."

The guest chorused their agreement and Mr Peters' heart soared. As he stepped down from the Podium for his son, he did it with certainty. This was the right decision.

Kunbi took his dad's place and looked over the employees and guests. The claps died down quickly and everyone waited for his first speech as CEO. The truth was he had none. He didn't even want to be there but he also did not want to disappoint his father and mother. After all, they had discussed this particular day since he was a teenager. The day had finally come and even if all he wanted to be was a barrister, he also had to become a CEO.

"Thank you very much for being here today. I will also like to appreciate you all for working devotedly with my father, it is at this point that I enjoin you all to please show me the same devotion and I will lead us all into the future of Mega Corps. Frankly, I have no special speech to make at all. As my dad said..." He looked at his dad who was now standing beside his mum. "This is a party and not a meeting. But before I go, there is no leader without followers, hence I cannot lead without you all. We are all very important here. Please, in unity and interdependency, let us work together to make an unbeatable team." He paused and smiled. "I look forward to working with you. Thank you."

The rest of the event went by in a blur, toasts were made, lots of delicacies served, and laughter shared.

Kunbi walked around the hall shaking hands and making small talks with guests until he finally snuck out and went to his Dad's office which was now officially his. The heavy door clicked open and the office stood large before him. He traipsed slowly to the huge black chair that was behind the large brown mahogany table. The name plate that sat on the table beside the miniature Nigeria flag, had been changed to his name. Somehow, that simple thing made the whole change real. Kunbi took in the office, as if looking at it for the first time, until his eyes landed again on the black leather chair. The throne of Mega Corps International. The very chair in which he would make several decisions and stay late in the office. Kunbi finally sat carefully on the chair and admired the interior of the office from his perspective. It was posh but at the same time overwhelming. Just thinking about how his life will change with this single decision, made him both weary and strengthened.

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