Chapter 16- A friend indeed

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"Please I will have your banana smoothie with apples and a dash of strawberry cream." Kemi said to the girl over the counter before she continued looking at some documents, Kunbi had just sent to her mail. There seemed to be a little problem with the property she wanted to buy and even if Kunbi said he was on top of it, she was worried.

"We also have coconut cream, would you like to add that into your smoothie?"

Kemi looked up from her phone and at the girl who had heavy make up on "Is it nice?"

"It's the best ma."

"Okay." She said and returned her attention to her phone again while the girl went about her work.

Kemi tapped and tapped away on her phone, reading the documents when the bell rang, indicating that her smoothie was ready. With a quick glance, she grabbed the cup at the same time a young man did.

This time her full attention was on the young man whose hand was still over hers. "Sorry? That's my order" She said as politely as she could.

"I am certain it's mine." The young man said smiling broadly at her as if he knew her. He looked familiar as well, but Kemi was in no frame of mind to process it all.

"I have been standing right here waiting for my order."

"And I have been sitting right over there." He pointed to a nice comfortable booth "Waiting for my order. This one." He said calmly with a tilt of his head. Well, his calmness kind of got under her skin.

Kemi took a deep breath. "Look mister..."

"You can have it if you insist I don't mind waiting extra..." he checked his wristwatch "Fifteen minutes for another one."

Oh hell no Kemi thought. She now felt like the impatient child who couldn't let go a cup of smoothie.

"Well, if it is yours you can have it." Kemi said.

"No it is fine..." the young man said backing away from the counter. He still had a peaceful calm and Kemi was the complete opposite of him. She was vicious and she blamed it all on the emotional stress she was going through. Just then the waiter came with another cup of smoothie.

"For you miss..." Kemi felt more stupid and all she wanted to do was melt or leave the shop without the smoothie.

She opened her mouth and closed it repeatedly. Kemi wanted a way out without having to apologize but when she didn't see a way out, she took a calming breath and said "I am sorry. I wasn't patient enough."

The young man laughed and a stronger sense of recognition struck Kemi. "Oh no! Kemi you haven't changed you know."

"Have we met before? I am sorry I can't really place where we met." Kemi said politely this time around.

"I am offended Kemi." The young man said but his expression didn't depict annoyance.

"I am sorry..."

"It's fine." He collected his glass of smoothie "Join me at my table and I will tell you where you know me from." He smiled and shook his head before walking to his booth. Kemi contemplated her next move before she picked up her smoothie and followed him. She placed her glass of banana smoothie on the table before taking a seat "Okay... start talking."

The Young man laughed harder "does the name Dumebi ring a bell?

Kemi opened her eyes wide "It's a lie!!! Dumebi!!"

Dumebi laughed at Kemi's expression.

"Oh no!" Kemi buried her face in her palm. "How could I ever forget you? You look soooo...."

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