Chapter 15 Gym and Gossips

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Kemi peeped into the gym that was bustling with loud rap music and people training. Some women were at the treadmills breaking their limits, and there were only two free treadmills left. Kemi wanted to hit one of them immediately after her warm up, which she could not start because her best friend was running late. Again!

She rolled her eyes, bunched her gym bag higher and dialed Tracey's number.

"Where the hell are you? I swear I am starting without you!"

"I am right here!" Came Tracey's response and Kemi turned to see her best friend in a hot pink and black jogger with a matching Jacket.

Kemi hissed and put her phone in her gym bag before she turned away from Tracey.

"I am sorry Kemi." Tracey hurried after her friend into the changing room. "I had stuffs to do you know."

Kemi rolled her eyes again and opened one of the lockers to put her gym bag. She unzipped her jacket to reveal a crop top that had 'badass' written boldly across her chest and dropped the jacket into the locker before locking it.

"C'mon! Are you just going to keep ignoring me?"


Tracey laughed "You said maybe. Meaning you are not ignoring me."

"Maybe doesn't mean anything!" Kemi folded her arms.

"Another response! Yippee!"

Kemi was dumbfounded "That wasn't a response! I was trying to point out..." she paused "I know what you are doing, it is not going to work."

Tracey smiled like a clown "What am I doing?"


"And she is still talking to me." Tracey sang.

"Argggggg!!!" Kemi stormed away and Tracey began laughing as she put her gym bag into a locker and removed her jacket to reveal a plain black crop top. After locking the locker, she hurried out to catch up with Kemi who was already running a routine on a mat.

Tracey got her mat and lay beside Kemi as they both started doing a plank.

"This is damn hard!" Tracey groaned.

Kemi only looked sideways and shot her friend a death glare before refocusing.

Once the time was up, they both collapsed on the mat. Kemi was the first to start the dead bug routine and Tracey only groaned.

"Could you stop groaning beside me?" Kemi warned. She was very cranky that morning and her emotions were all over the place.

"Would you rather I moan? Arrrrr... ohhhh....ooooooo....hmmmmmm..." Tracey started making funny moaning sounds beside Kemi.

Kemi shut her eyes tight and tried not to laugh. "I hate you Tracey!"

Tracey only smiled sweetly from the relaxed position she had taken on the mat. She waited until Kemi had caught her breath before spoke up. "So why are you cranky? Did you see your period or did you not see your period?" Tracey gave Kemi a suggestive smile.

Kemi puffed a breath as she got off the mat. "Nothing!" She murmured under her breath.

Tracey smiled knowingly, as she followed Kemi towards the thread mill. Kemi immediately punched the buttons and started with a quick walk, increasing her pace in a crescendo until she was sprinting. Tracey watched from the corner of her eyes, as her friend's skin broke out in sweat and she knew in her heart that Kemi wasn't this passionate about exercising. But she was going to wait patiently for Kemi to spill the beans. Poking never worked with her best friend. That she knew.

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