Chapter 12 Work

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 Kemi walked through the automatic glass doors of Mega Corps International on Monday, at exactly 1:45pm, wearing a black halter neck corporate gown that stopped decently above her knee. The gown was sleeveless and hugged her body at the right places. Kemi completed the look with emerald strappy heels and a red bag which contained all she needed to give Kunbi for her company.

She looked around the lobby that had taken a new look, from what it used to be back when they were teenagers running up and down and disturbing the workers.

"Good afternoon." Kemi greeted the lady behind the huge marble like pavement that had Mega Corps Intl. engraved into it.

"Good afternoon ma, how can I help you?"

"My name is Kemi George, I am here to see the CEO."

"Do you have an appointment?"

"Yes I do."

"Just a minute please." The lady said and typed at her computer.

Kemi used the opportunity to survey her environment and was wowed by what she saw. The company had really been transformed and it was nothing short of an international standard.

"Okay, your appointment is by 2pm. Just take the elevator to the fifth floor and the secretary there will tell you what to do."

"Thank you very much." Kemi turned and headed for the elevator that took her to the fifth floor. Just as she had been told, she saw a secretary behind a huge desk.

The whole fifth floor had been beautifully transformed so much so that Kemi thought she had just stepped into a five star hotel lobby.

"Good afternoon." The secretary greeted her with a broad smile.

Kemi approached her like she had downstairs and greeted back.

"I am Kemi George and I..."

"Yes I know who you are ma, Mr Kunbi Peters has been expecting you."

"Oh great! Can I go in now?'

"Just minute please." The lady picked up her intercom and put a call through to Kunbi.

"Afternoon sir, Ms. Kemi George is here to see you."

A second after she placed the receiver back "He will be with you shortly please have a seat." The lady pointed and Kemi looked behind, to see a very comfortable reception area with a luxury settee and a glass centre table with newspapers and magazines arranged neatly on top.

"Thank you."

Kemi made her way to the settee and sat down on it before crossing her legs and picking up a magazine to browse through. She had just five minutes to her appointment and decided to use it to go through a fashion magazine. Unlike the person she was, who was always late, the United States had remodelled her into an early comer. She was fashionably early like today. That was the real reason she was there early Kemi reminded herself. It was certainly not because she had a strong desire to see Kunbi again.

Immediately it was 2pm, the door opened and Kunbi emerged dressed wickedly in a navy blue suit which he touched up nicely with golden chain lapels and a black shoe.

Kemi watched as Kunbi laughed with the wealthy looking man he came out with before shaking him firmly. All she could do was admire the man he had become and just in that moment, a thought occurred to her. Who was the woman beside this man?

"Kemi!" His face brightened up immediately he saw Kemi. "So glad you could make it."

"Kunbi!" Kemi stood to her feet and met Kunbi half way in an embrace. "Of course! Why wouldn't I come?"

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