Chapter 9 Dinner date

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Tracey walked into the dim lit restaurant and glanced around nervously. She was wearing her newly purchased peach gown and had styled her low cut hair beautifully, paying more attention to her edges than she had ever done before. She could feel her palms sweat as she clutched tight to her purse and glanced around nervously. A lady laughed loudly somewhere in the restaurant and Tracey found herself looking at her. Just when she was about to accept the fact that she had been stood up, she saw Bill waving at her furiously. She smiled widely as she walked towards the table he had reserved for them.

"For a second there I thought you stood me up."

"Never in a million years." Came Bill's reply and Tracey smiled at him again. "You look breath taking."

"Thank you. You look dashing as well."

Bill looked into her eyes and for a while they were lost in each other.

"What would you like to eat?" Bill broke the silence.

"What do they have?" Tracey asked back and placed her purse on the table.

Bill picked up the menu and opened it 'let's find out."

They both browsed the menu carefully, laughing at different items they didn't know. Their order was finally placed and as they waited for the waiter, they kept making small talks.

"How was law school with Kunbi?"

Tracey rolled her eyes and then laughed "Kunbi stole my shine."

"He does that doesn't he?" Bill added.

"Yes! How do you feel next to Kunbi? I mean he is your best friend and he always seem to be in the spotlight." Tracey asked because in some way she could relate to that when it came to her and Kemi.

"Well, it's true, he is always in the spotlight but I never took it personal, I mean Kunbi is my brother from another mother and I love that guy, so all that never mattered or caused a rift between us."

Tracey nodded in understanding, if not for the love she had for Kemi maybe she would have gotten jealous of her in some way. "Well, I don't love Kunbi so I am totally hating on him right now." Tracey said bringing back the humour into the conversation.

"How was Afe Babalola University? I heard it's not bad." Bill said.

"Not bad? Oh! Pardon me, I forgot you went to Covenant University. Y'all are just very proud." Tracey drawled.

"Well..." Bill laughed and Tracey joined in.

"You attended Covenant University with Felix right?" Tracey asked and immediately regretted bringing up the sore subject.

"Yeap!" Bill popped the 'p' and took a sip of his water. "We were in the same department."

Tracey nodded before picking up the Menu. She was very uncomfortable with the subject.

"He was just getting leaner until he left school and next thing we heard was that he passed away." Tracey nodded silently. It was a couple of years ago but sometimes it was too fresh for her.

"You guys dated right?" Bill asked and looked at Tracey. That was when he saw the unshed tears that were ready to spill at her next blink. "Am sorry... I... I didn't mean to... shit!" Bill sat forward and took Tracey's hand in his, from across the table. Her fingers were ice cold, in sharp contrast with his warm hands. "I didn't mean to upset you."

"No...It's fine!" she tried to laugh and the tears leaked out. She used her free hand to wipe off the tears on her cheek.

"I am sorry Tracey! I am such an arse, I shouldn't have..."

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