Chapter 23- Love games

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She was five days late and if that wasn't a sign then Tess didn't know what else was. Maybe a strip test was all she needed. She pulled herself out of the bed, placing her feet on the cold tiles. She didn't know if she was supposed to be happy about the possibility of being pregnant or if she should do what she really wanted to- cry! What if it was all one big mistake? She wasn't sure about anything anymore. She wasn't even sure of the person she had become- a lady who built everything around a man she loved. She was once independent. What had happened?

Tessie opened her drawer and grabbed a purse where she had hidden the strips. It was only two days ago she purchased them at a pharmacy but she thought it was too soon to jump into conclusions about her possible pregnancy. Periods were delayed often. It was no confirmation of pregnancy but a test was. Tess walked into the bathroom barefooted and sat on the water system. With the strip clutched in her hands she stared blankly at it. A part of her hoped it tested positive. That would mean her effort of going to the night club, having a one night stand and the torture of Dumebi's endless calls and text messages were not in vain. She had not picked any of his calls nor replied any of his messages but sometimes she wished she could because she found herself thinking about him more often than she really wanted. However, talking to him will only complicate the already complicated situation. On the other hand if the test was negative maybe, just maybe she would be able to live past that night. Would she be okay with Kunbi? Or should she walk away from him as well? Let him have his Kemi. Her eyes clouded at the thought of losing Kunbi to another woman. Her years with him will come to nothing. She wasn't getting any younger. Tess needed to start her family, she was not ready for the stigma of a single woman at this age in Nigeria. Just a week ago her mum had called, reminding her that she needed to get married soon. Her younger sisters where all married. Glory, their last born gave birth to twins a month ago. What was she doing with a man that wasn't ready to marry her? At least she had a man. Where would she start from without Kunbi- who was decent enough to be a great son in-law, father and husband? It wasn't about his money but with Kunbi she wouldn't have to stress for the rest of her life.

With the new found courage, Tess tore open the strip, took one before she tucked her hand between her legs and peed. She shut her eyes briefly before she stood up and placed the strip on a folded tissue paper. Tess opened the tap and let the water run over her hands before she used the hand wash and rinsed again. That took all but a minute. She still had about four minutes left to get her final verdict. What was she supposed to do in four minutes? Maybe because her fate was about to be decided by a pregnancy strip, the time moved awfully slowly. Tess decided she needed a distraction. Maybe a hot shower to calm her nerves. Tess immediately stripped down all the while exercising self-control so as not to look at the strip on the counter. Once she was under the hot sprays of the shower she let her mind drift to the day she met Kunbi.

It was in Cairo. She was heading to Paris and had to stop to reconnect with another flight. Kunbi on the other hand was returning to Nigeria from the Uk and was to take another flight. They met at the four star hotel where they both lodged. She remembered thinking he was such a fine man as he stood in the lobby talking endlessly on the phone. For most of the conversation he maintained a straight face only for him to smile broadly at the end of the call and Tess thought he was damn too cute with his dimples and clean shaven beards although he had a scar on one cheek. She was waiting for her key card while she admired the handsome stranger just a feet away. Kunbi's call ended and he turned around abruptly as he tucked his phone into his jean pocket. Their eyes met and Tess had quickly looked away like a kid caught stealing from the cookie jar. Well, she was caught eyeing this very delicious cookie, so she was guilty as well. Kunbi walked towards her with his back pack hanging from one shoulder casually. She remembered how her heart beat quickened immediately, the same way it did every time she saw him.

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