Chapter 7- The Meeting

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"I will have your club sandwich and your fruit combo special drink." Kemi said as she closed the menu and smiled up at the waiter.

Her mum still had that frown but Kemi wasn't the least bothered about it. She could frown all she wanted, Kemi was going to eat her sandwich.

Her mum ordered for a chicken pie and the same fruit combo drink and as the waiter went to get their order, Mrs. Stella faced her daughter. But before she could talk, Kemi spoke up.

"It is healthy, I read the ingredients and they are all healthy."

"Except the bacon in it."

"Whatever mum. "I don't know what your deal is with my weight. I love my weight!"

"I never said there was anything wrong with it. I just want you to maintain it."

"Thank you mum for your concern, but I have been maintaining my weight for ten years now."

Her mum wanted to protest but Kemi raised her hand up "Drop it mum. I know I have been very fat before and now that I have lost weight you are concerned about how I maintain it. So leave it alone. Meanwhile let us talk about something else." She looked around the big and posh restaurant "Not bad, so when is this lawyer coming?"

"Soon!" her mum replied before engaging her in an interior decoration discussion."

Kemi nodded absent-mindedly as she sunk her teeth in one of her sandwiches and moaned.

"Are you listening to me?" her mum prodded.

"Um huh!" she mumbled. "This is so delicious. You need to try some." She said, still chewing her mouth full. Kemi noticed her mum was no longer looking at her but behind her. "Thank you for meeting me." She said and got to her feet to give the lawyer a kiss on his cheek.

Kemi popped her eyes wide and tried to chew as fast as she could but not fast enough.

"Am sure you remember Kemi."

"Of course!" came the baritone voice behind her before she was face to face with Kunbi. Ten years had gone by without seeing Kunbi her first love that year. She had seen pictures once in a while and Tracey had told her how Kunbi looked but no amount of pictures or description could have prepared her for what she was seeing now.

Kunbi stood tall before her, suited in a maroon suit and beige shirt, no tie although he had a pocket square. He had beards, which was a sharp contrast to the boy she fell in love with back in secondary school. His beards had been carved delicately in a way that suited him perfectly and accentuated his angular jaw. Although, he now bore the scar of his accident on his left cheek, Kemi felt that that little imperfection added to his overall charm.

"Hello Kemi, it's been a long time."

Kemi placed her half eaten sandwich and wiped her hands on the napkin before receiving Kunbi's outstretched hand.

She swallowed painfully, her half chewed sandwich before replying "Hi Kunbi, it's good to see you again."

"What is with the formal handshake? C'mon, embrace yourselves." Kunbi's mum said and Kemi turned around "Mummy!" she ran towards her and threw herself in an embrace. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too baby girl how have you been?"

"I am fine."

"I can see that." Kunbi's mum pulled at her rounded cheeks and Kemi smiled cheekily.

"I am sure you and Kunbi have a lot to talk about, your mum and I want to check out a store down the aisle."

"Okay." Kemi watched them disappear before she twirled around and faced Kunbi, who was watching her steadily. She had both dreaded and anticipated this moment and now that she was standing before him, she had no idea what to say or how to behave especially as the most handsome man she had ever seen was staring back at her.

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