Chapter 91

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The story is now back at the wedding, from Lily's perspective as a recap on where the heck she has been ;)

They were gone. Just like that. I had stupidly missed my chance to go with them, to help them, to save others along the way. I was thinking quickly, I could apparate to the coffee shopthey would soon arrive at. But, what was it's name? Was it ever discussed. Think Lily, think. What was the name of the road...?

"Lily, come on!" Fred said, reaching for my hand.

"Stupify!" said a familiar voice. I knew I was too late. I turned to see Fred falling towards me, causing me to fall back to like a domino. As I took refuge under him, I pulled out my Gringotts bag from my pocket and stuffed it into his hands. His rough hands. I clenched them close, lingering my grasp for a moment. When would I see my love next?

Suddenly, someone grabbed my wrist of the hand clutching Fred's. I looked up to see Draco Malfoy's eyes behind the mask of a Death Eater. His wand was pointed loosely at me as he tugged me up, disregarding Fred, causing his body to move into a table leg. The table collapsed from the blunt force, dining wear falling onto him.

"Fred!" I cried, tugging my wrist from Draco's.

"Lily, don't make this hard," he whispered. I have a wand, I remembered. The wand covered in lilies felt secure in my grasp, it would save me, I was certain of it.

"Expelliarmus!" sneered Draco as I pointed my wand at him. It flew, so simply, onto a table 10 feet away. The table was soon overturned in panic.

The panic reached me. I stood, charging at Draco, fist clenched ready to strike at that pale, foul little face.

I was not trained in the hand to hand combat, yet he seemed to be, probably a hobby he picked up from his pretentious lifestyle. He raised his hand, my knuckles connected with his smooth palm which began to wrap around my fist. I tried to pull away, yet before I knew it a sensation of being pushed through a small, confined space overwhelmed me.



I closed my eyes as I felt my feet bang onto solid ground again. The temperature was noticeably different from the warm, outdoor wedding; it was cold and dry which told me I was in a stone room.

"You succeeded, Draco, well done," said a woman's voice. Surprisingly, Malfoy, released his grip on me, causing my eyes to fly open in surprise. I was in a very fancy living room, an expensive looking one. The Malfoy Manor.

The woman talking was Narcissa Malfoy, I could tell from her eyes, the same eyes Malfoy had. She had the same cold look, the same sleek hair, the same hollow eye sockets.

"What is going to happen to me?" I asked, attempting to keep my voice level to not show the fear building inside me.

"Sit, please," said Narcissa, gesturing to a group of armchairs towards the side of the room, facing the large windows. As I sat, I looked to the stars for comfort. They still were shining brightly down at me. Before I could make anything of them, Narcissa cleared her throat.

"We have received from a credible source that you are... a highly gifted seer?"

I didn't look at her. Who would tell Voldemort's rank this? Who would betray me, the Order?

"Answer me, girl," her hand sharply slapped my cheek.

"Yes," I whispered, staring at the sky, tears in my eyes. Why would I confirm that? They would kill you if you were of no use...

"Then here is the deal," Narcissa said. "The Dark Lord will require information. You will provide it. If it proves faulty, you will die. If it is useful, you will live."

"I don't care about my life," I lied. If I died, no one would save Fred, Tonks, Lupin, and so many others.

"Then your Weasel will die," Draco hissed from behind his mother's armchair.

"Fred would be able to defend—"

"Just like he defended himself tonight? I'm convinced, then," Draco sneered.

I paused, looking away from him, thinking.

"If I don't help the Death Eaters, he will die?"

"Exactly," Narcissa nodded.

"And if I do, can you guarantee his safety?"

"We will do him no harm," Narcissa whispered. I stared into her eyes, calculating if she was being honest, promising me that my love would be safe. Is Fred enough to betray those you love?

"Fine," I said. "I'll... I'll help you..."

"Interesting," said Narcissa. "Draco said it would be much harder to convince you."

My eyes flickered to him, who seemed equally surprised.

"Maybe he doesn't understand love—"


"You will not speak to us like that," she hissed. "Draco, bring her to the basement."

Lily Potter (Harry Potter's Twin)Where stories live. Discover now