Chapter 69

521 21 20

Published August 29, 2016


It was Fred's 5th attempt to wake me, I really just didn't want to get up. He finally resorted to shaking me slightly.

"No!" I said, pulling the pillow and covers over my head.

"Get up!" Fred sighed.

"I don't want to," I said, my voice muffled from the pillow and cover.

"Why is that?"

"It's so comfortable under here," I sighed, beginning to fall asleep again.

"Everyone else is awake," Fred nudged me.

"Good for them," I said, cuddling into his side.

"No, you don't get to cuddle until you wake up," said Fred, moving away from me.

"Ugh," I said, cuddling my pillow instead.

"If you don't get out of this bed in five seconds, I'm going to be forced to take extreme measures, Flower."

"Oh no," I said flatly, "please don't.... what are you going to do, tickle me to death?"

Fred paused for a moment, "I didn't even think of that to be honest. I was just going to serenade you with Christmas carols, but tickling--"

"I'm up," I said, sitting up suddenly. "No need for tickling!"

"Just remember that," said Fred, smirking at me "I will not refrain from tickling if I have to."

I stretched and yawned. The light was really bright, I turned to my window to see that it was covered in frost from the snow, giving off a white light into the room.

"Oh my goodness, is it snowing?" I squealed excitedly, standing up to trip over a random box.

"Are you okay?" asked, Fred, jumping out of the bed.

"Yeah, what was with the box?" I asked, looking to see a colorfully wrapped box. I looked at the end of the bed to see a small pile. "Or should I say boxes?"

"They are Christmas presents, Flower," Fred said with a 'duhh' tone in his voice.

"So, that means today is Christmas?" I trialed off, my mind racing. I've been gone for months, you couldn't blame me for not realizing the date was so close. This also meant that, one year ago, Mr. Weasley died. I shook that thought from my head and turned to Fred with a smile. "Happy Christmas!"

"Happy Christmas to you!" said Fred, getting up from the bed and giving me a quick peck on the cheeks. "So, I know today is both a happy and side day, but I'd rather be happy, okay?"

"Got it!" I said, saluting him.

"Okay, go ahead and do you makeup while I sort whose presents are whose," Fred said, turning to the gifts.

"Did yours make it here, too?" I asked, grabbing a moist towlette to wipe my face.

"Seems like it," said Fred, grabbing a few of the gifts. "Yep, this one is to 'Mr. Sexy Handsome Stud,' from you I presume?"

I laughed and began on my makeup. I honestly couldn't explain my obsession with the stuff, I guess I was never able to afford it when I was living in the orphanage so naturally when i cam here I grabbed a fortune of the stuff. I was pretty good at it, I admit.

"You know, I told everyone not to get me anything," I said as I concluded my make up and turned to face my boyfriend.

"Well, no one listened," said Fred, smiling and passing a present over. I grabbed it and pulled the wrappings off to see a sweater made by Mrs. Weasley with flowers all over it. "I helped her pick a pattern for that one."

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