Chapter 45

716 30 4

Published June 6, 2015

"Lily," said a soft voice in my ear.

I ignored it and went back to sleeping.

"Lily," said the voice again.

"Go away," I said.

"You wouldn't want that, now would you?" they asked.

I opened my eyes, annoyed, to see on one standing in the door way. I looked around and saw that they, 'they' as in Fred Wealsey, was laying down in my bed. And I had my arms and leg wrapped around him.

"Oh," I said. "Morning.."

"It's around six in the morning," said Fred, reading my mind. It was still dark out.

"How long have you been in here?" I asked.

"Only since like, four?" guess Fred.

"Oh," I said, blushing.

"I swear, I didn't take your pants off, they where off when I came in," said Fred. I felt myself blush. "Wait, why aren't you wearing pants?"

"It was really hot in here," I said, sitting up.

"Okay then," said Fred. "Cool, but you should probably get up know, we have to go to work, remember?"

"Yep," I said. "But by early I thought you meant like eight in the morning, not six..."

"Well," said Fred. "You should get ready."

"Okay," I said.

"See you soon," said Fred, leaving the room.

I got ready quickly, putting on a red tank top and a black jacket and jean shorts, casual clothing. I put a few spells on my hair to "tame" it so I could put it into a ponytail with out it having to many bumps. I fed Riley and then went down stairs.

Surprisingly, Mrs Weasley was already up, still in her pjs but awake and moving none the less. Fred was sitting at the table as Mrs Weasley ranted to him.

"Percy's new position is a step down, now he is just sorting out those criminals like Mungdungous who try to sell stolen goods-" said Mrs Weasley.

"But he is paid the same, and it certainly is easier," said Fred. "They wanted someone who was in the last War to be with the Minister."

"But he was perfect for that job-"

"What is his new job?" I asked, sitting down next to Fred.

"Now he is the person who arrest the people who are trying to sell faulty items, like a protection necklace and protection potions when they can be really harmful," said Fred. "I think it's a cool job."

"What are you two doing up so early?" asked Mrs Weasley.

"Lily is going to work at the shop over the summer and I was going to show her around," said Fred, " before the shop opens."

"Okay, I can get breakfast ready-" said Mrs Weasley.

"No, we can eat at Diagon Alley," said Fred. "I wanted to take her to that corner cafe place.."

"Fine," said Mrs Weasley. "Be back before Dinner!"

"Sounds reasonable, Mrs Weasley," I said, smiling as Fred and I stood up and left the house. We left the crooked house in a rush, or at least I rushed. I wanted to get to the store.

"How are we getting there?" I asked him once we where twenty good feet away from the Burrow's walls.

"Apparation," answered Fred. "But since the new safety system I put up we can't disapperate within like 3 miles-"

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