Chapter 36

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The final Exam, History of Magic was to take place this afternoon. I spent the morning looking through notes with Harry. I tried to help him as much as I could so he wouldn't fail as badly as he did in the books, but his mind was somewhere else. He wouldn't pay attention to me, much less put any effort into studying.

The fifth years entered the Great Hall at two o'clock and took our places in front of our overturned examination papers. I felt prepared, but I just wanted this to be over. Harry and Ron made plans to go todo some guy thing with Seamus and Dean to savor their time free from studying, Hermione was going to make house-elf clothes and I was going to see Fred, but sadly these plans would have to be cancelled. Today was the last day of peace in the book, they next days are filled with war. It was sad to think these great days will be over in a few hours, in a few hours Harry would find out his Prophecy, and his god father dead.

But that's why I am here, to stop these things from happening, to help Harry not loose himself. I was here to save lives, I can save lives. I know what Voldemort is planing, how he thinks better than anyone else here. I am his greatest threat, Voldemort should fear me over Harry. I know every secret he has, I even have one of his Horcruxes. I am ready to say good bye to these days, I can fight this war. But I just need to get through this exam.

"Turn over your papers," said Professor Marchbanks from the front of the Hall, turning over the giant hourglass. "You may begin."

The test was a snitch, I didn't have any trouble remembering the names and the dates. I kept glancing over at Harry, who kept staring out into space, or staring blankly at his paper. After answering a few more questions, I looked over at Harry again. His hands were over his face. Was he sleeping? I couldn't tell. I finished off the last few questions, Harry still hadn't moved.

"Just a few minutes left," said Professor Tofty.
Just then, Harry fell out of his chair, screaming and shaking. Professor Tofty ran over to Harry, concern written all over his face.

Once he helped Harry up, they went out the Great Hall. A few minutes later, Professor Tofty came in the room, grabbed Harry's paper, checked the hourglass, and then said, "Two more minutes left."

After those extremely long two minutes, Professor Tofty collected our exam papers, and we were free. Everyone was happy and all smiles, but I felt scared at the day ahead. I quickly went over to Hermione, and then Ron came over.

"We need to find Harry," I said fearfully. He probably had to go to the hospital wing. We wnt out to the entrance hall and up the marble stair case. I heard running footsteps ahead of us, and Harry appeared at the top of the stairs, breathing heavily. When I saw him, I hurried to him.

"Harry!" said Hermione when we reached the top of the stairs, looking very frightened. "What happened? Are you all right? Are you ill?"

"Where have you been?" demanded Ron.

"Come with me," Harry said quickly. "Come on, I've got to tell you something..."

He led us along the first floor corridor, peering through doorways, then found an empty classroom into which he dived, closing the door behind us. Then he faced us, leaning against the door.

"Voldemort got Sirius."


"How d'you-?"

"Saw it. Just now. When I fell asleep in the exam." Harry said, looking distracted.

"But- but how? Where?" said Hermione who was white as a sheet.

"I dunno how," said Harry. "But I know exactly where. There's a room in the Department of Mysteries full of shelves filled with little glass balls, they're at the end of row ninety-seven... He's trying to get Sirius to get whatever it is he wants in there... He's torturing him.. Says he'll end by killing him...."

Lily Potter (Harry Potter's Twin)Where stories live. Discover now