Chapter 9

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*note that chapter has not been edited and may include some minor or major errors*

Hermione told me all about how Fred and George were testing their sweets on the first years last night, the next morning. I was upset I missed the show but it wasn't still so funny to hear it from her, as she mimicked the voices of Fred and George.

"I would have gone to look for you with Harry but I needed to knit some hats for house elves, and write my friend Krum," she told me, once getting to the part were she sat back down with Harry and Ron, and Harry pointed out I was gone, and left to look for me.

The week passed with more and more homework. I had no time to do it all, spent almost every night staying up late and cramming to get it done.

On Thursday, I scrambled to finish all of my homework. I almost did: All I had left was to practice turning a watch into a mouse for transfiguration which I could do over the weekend.

I didn't contact Draco throughout the week, he didn't contact me. I assumed out little get together was still on.  

Thursday night, I couldn't fall asleep. I couldn't figure out what to do about the locket I took from Kreacher. I had no means of destroying it, I couldn't give it to Dumbledore since he hasn't discovered Horcruxes yet, and I couldn't take a trip to the Chamber of Secrets since I couldn't open it. I wasn't even sure if I really should have taken the locket, because of the adventure of finding it Harry was able to then find the others.

The next morning after a restless sleep, I walked to the Great Hall alone, I had slept in a little later so the gang had went on without me.  I rounded a corner. There was only two other people in the corridor, Pansy and Draco.

Before they saw me, I quickly ducked behind the corner again, peeking out to see what they were up to. thankfully, the couple didn't noticed me or my abrupt departure. 

"Draco, I just thought we could hang out on our free period, or, well your free period, I don't really have to go to Herbology," Pansy said to Draco.

"I'm busy doing homework, I can't have you... distracting me," Draco said in a weird tone.

Pansy giggled, "I won't distract you that much."

"I have to get it done or I get detention," Draco told her.

"We could do it together, two is better than one," Pansy begged.

"Maybe next time," Draco mused. At this moment, I decided I was done eavesdropping and I should come from my hiding place. I casually walked around the corner to see them finishing there way to the Great Hall, elbows touching. My shoes echoed on the stone floor. Draco glanced behind him, looking surprised to see me. He casually stepped a bit away from Pansy. 

What a player, I thought to myself, laughing at Draco's antics with the girl.

I scanned the Gryffindor table, picking a seat next to Fred and Hermione.  

"Morning," I yawned.

"You seem tired," Hermione noticed, handing me a cup of tea. 

"Thanks, yeah, I was up almost all last night," I sipped at my tea.

"Participating in night time activites, were you?" asked Fred with a smirk. I laughed.

"No, I just couldn't fall asleep."

"Maybe you can sleep on your free period," Hermione said casually.

"How do you know I have a free period?" I asked her.

"Well, you know, I saw this note on your trunk..."

"Hermione!" I scolded her, turning red.

"Got yourself a secret boyfriend, Flower?" Fred asked.

Lily Potter (Harry Potter's Twin)Where stories live. Discover now