Chapter 61

548 27 17

Published June 18, 2016

Fred POV

George and I wanted to the station, that was the only place you were allowed to apparate in and out of the Wizard village now. They wanted to monitor who went in and out, you had to go through a security check just like the one at Hogwarts now.

There was a little bit of a line at the exit, no one that George and I recognized.

"What do you want to do with the rest of the day?" I asked George, who would usually came up with something fun to do.

"I don't know, we could visit with mom, she probably could use some company." George replied, hugging himself for warmth.

"Have you been writing to Angelina?" I asked him.

He shrugged, "Not really, she hasn't replied to my last letter. I don't know what happened to her."

"Oh," was all I could say. George had a crush on Angelina for a while, and finally was able to ask her out this last summer. I didn't say what was on both our minds. I would hate if something happened to Lily, so George must be worried about Angelina.

"The line seems slow," George after while.

"Has it even moved?" I asked, looking at the Auor who was in charge of the security check. He was chatting with-- was that Tonks? She seemed really urgent, as if something were wrong. I felt my stomach twist, did something happen at the castle?

"Hey, look, it's Tonks," I nudged George, motioning to scene in front of me.

At that moment, Tonks stopped talking to the other Auor and came over to us.

"Come with me," Tonks said and my stomach dropped. Was it my family, my mom? I already lost my dad, Lily was the only way I was able to get through it. I dismissed the thought of Lily being hurt, she was too strong and was already on the look out for Malfoy.

"What is it Tonks?" George asked as we quickly walked in... the direction of the castle.

"Why are we going to Hogwarts?" I asked urgently, but she didn't answer.

"It's probably just an emergency order meeting at the castle, a lot of the professors are members," George reassured me, patting my shoulder.

Tonks POV

I found out about Lily almost immediately. Professor McGonagall alerted all members she thought was nessasary, including those in and around the castle. When I mentioned the Twins, she said I should bring them to the castle. Sirius and Molly were already on their way, Lily's family. I couldn't believe what happened. I couldn't bring myself to tell Fred. I knew how much they loved each other , I couldn't be the one to break it to him.

I lead them to the castle, the sleet was making the road slippery and the wind almost made it impossible to walk on, but we managed. It was like the wind didn't even touch us.

Sirius was waiting for us at the entrance. He seemed surprise that the Twins were with me.

"What's the code?" asked Sirius.

I glanced at Fred and leaned in so he wouldn't hear me.


Fred POV

Hearing what happened was the second hardest thing I had to go through, watching my dad die was the first. I just couldn't believe that someone actually did it. At the time being, we didn't know if she would be alright or not. George, Mum, Sirius and I just waited outside the hospital wing, guarding it.

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