Chapter 67

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Published July 26, 2016
Lily pov

The pain was so overwhelming that it turned me numb. I couldn't see anything, or at least I don't remember what I saw. When an image flashed into my mind, it was gone like it never happened, leaving me with the feeling like I was forgetting something all the time.

My eyes wouldn't open, they were heavy as if clouds lay on top of them. I felt numb, as I said before, but numb right now was if I was drifting in the heavy mist of the clouds with no control of my body. The feeling reminded me of when I would sit up too quickly or faint.

I heard Fred's voice constantly, I wasn't sure if he was near or if he was my imagination. I kept drifting, searching for him. He would stop the rushing of blood through my head and body.

I counted my breath, that's how I knew I was still alive. How did I get here? What happened?

I couldn't remember.

Why couldn't remember anything.

500,678 breaths later, a light started to seep through my eye lids, the clouds were clearing.

Katie Bell, the necklace, it all started to seep back to me. Fred's voice when I was in the clouds started to actually make sense and form words. He was reading about poisonous bites. It made me feel better. the numbness was fading, my pain becoming worse.

My eyes flew open.

It was too bright for a moment, I blinked away the light so my eyes could focus.

Where was I?

I sat up, looking around the room. It had white walls and a window that was looking out on London. I was in a metal bed, like the ones in hospital shows. The sheets were just like mine from Hogwarts, in fact I think they were the blood red sheets that would be in my dorm. I spotted my trunk under the window, with all of my things in it. I was wearing a pale blue night gown. I had a horrible taste in my mouth I tried to open it, but it wouldn't. It was glued shut. I started to panic, where was I? Where was Fred? Why couldn't I move my mouth?

I looked around the room again, taking notes of things. There were two empty chairs, and a bedside table with a copy of 'Healer's Lifestyle Magazine' sitting on top of it. There was also a glass of water. I wanted to drink it but, my mouth couldn't open. They was a doctor's cupboard near the door, probably full of medical instruments.

I parted my lips, I slowly held up my hand to touch my mouth to see what was holding my mouth shut when I froze.

The hand was not mine. It was more bony and paler than it was before. It had a weird tint to it, a deep purple. The longer I watched it, the more it faded until it was a light pink color. How long have I been here for? What month was it, what year was it?

I felt lighter, like I haven't eaten in a long time, my stomache hurt like hell. I was just about to get out of bed when two people bursted through the door.

"She was talking, her eyes where fluttering and she was moving around, could she be waking up-- LILY!" said Sirius, seeing me sitting up in the bed. The Healer jumped at his outburst and then ran to my bed and started to check me on me.

"Sirius--" I started to say, but stopped when my throat felt like it was being ripped apart at the simple words.

"Shush, dear," said the Healer. "You need to be on vocal rest until we get your jaw unhooked." My eyes widened, my tounge moving to feel the metal that molded my teeth together, locking my jaw.

I looked over to Sirius who looked happy as could be. I looked around for my wand, starting to panic. Where was Fred?

"Fred?" I whispered, ignoring the shush from the healer.

Lily Potter (Harry Potter's Twin)Where stories live. Discover now