Chapter 79

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The following morning, I was exhausted as ever from the events of the previous night. It was my last day with the Time Turner, I may have used it to get some extra sleep. During the morning's charms lesson, Harry and I filled in Hermione and Ron everything that happened the night before. The memory, what Horcruxes are, that Voldemort has 6 and that Harry was to go help Dumbledore destroy the next one he found. I was offered a spot on the trip too, but I declined, wishing to stay back and fight death eaters instead, perhaps help prevent harm to Order Members. We used the Muffliato spell for secrecy.

"Wow," said Ron, when Harry was finally finished telling them everything. Ron pointed his wand at the ceiling carelessly. "Wow, you are going with Dumbledore to destroy... wow!"

"Ronald, you are making it snow," I pointed out. Hermione grabbed his wrist and redirected his wand away from the ceiling where large white flakes were falling. I caught a few and poked them until they melted from the warmth of my fingers. Lavender Brown, I noticed, glared at Hermione from a neighboring table with very blotchy red eyes as if she has been crying a considerable amount.

"Oh, yeah," said Ron. Looking down at his shoulders in a slight surprise. "Looks like we've all have dandruff now."He started to brush the flakes from Hermione's shoulders. I waved my wand and the flakes vanished. "Nevermind."

Lavender burst into tears. Ron looked guilty.

"We, uh, split up last night," Ron told us out of the corner of his mouth. "She saw me coming out of the dormitory with Hermione. She didn't see you, Harry. Lily was suddenly gone, too... She thought it was just the two of us..."

"Ah," said Harry. "Well—you don't mind its over, do you?"

"No," admitted Ron. "It was pretty bad while she was yelling but at least I didn't have to finish it."

"Coward," Hermione and I said together.

"Well, it was a bad night for romance all around. Ginny and Dean split up too," added Hermione, glancing at Harry through the corner of her eye.

Harry blushed slightly. "How come?" he asked, his voice thicker in attempts to keep his voice indifferent.

"Something really silly," said Hermione. "Like he always tries to help her through the portrait hole as if she can't do it herself."

"They've been rocky for ages," I commented.

"Well, this puts you in a dilemma," Hermione said to Harry.

"How come, what do you mean?" asked Harry quickly.

"The Quidditch Team," I realized.

"They aren't talking, that will be hard for the players," Hermione said.

"Oh—oh, yeah," said Harry.

"Flitwick," warned Ron. Hermione and I were the only ones at our table able to turn our vinegar into wine.

"Now boys," Flitwick squeaked. "Less chatting, more action, please. Let's see it."

Harry raises his wand. His vinegar turned to ice. Ron had no better luck, his vinegar exploded.

"Yes..." said Flitwick, emerging from under the table and pulling shards of what used to be Ron's cup from his hat. "For homework, practice."

We had a free period after Charms which we spent outside, I wrote Fred and Hermione and Ron grinned happily with no explanation. Harry was distant, deep in thought.

"I think I should take another swig of Felix," said Harry. "And try the Room again."

"That would be a complete waste of potion," said Hermione flatly, looking up from her copy of Spellman's Syllabary she was studying. "Luck can only get you so far, Harry. You'll need all the luck you can get when you are off with Dumbledore."

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