Chapter 5

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"Get up! Term starts today!" sang Mrs. Weasley as she rapped on Hermione and Ginny's door, but she didn't know that we had been up for hours, talking about Hogwarts. I was really nervous, my job in front of me began to seem all to real. It really was time to start helping the future.

I had loads of trouble sleeping last night. I dreamed a lot about the movie version of Hogwarts, but I'm not sure what to expect.

"You are going to miss the train!" yelled Mrs Weasley from downstairs.

There was a ton of commotion in the house. Fred and George bewitched their trunks to fly down the stairs to save the bother of carrying them, but they hurtled straight towards Ginny and I and knocked us down two flights of stairs into the hall and now Mrs Weasley and Mrs Black are both screaming at the top of their voices.



When Mrs Weasley finally stopped yelling at them she started to patch me and Ginny up, but in result to falling down 2 flights of stairs plus the screaming, I think we both had headaches.

"Okay leave your trunk and Riley, Alastor's taking care of the luggage, Lily and Harry you are going with Tonks and I," Mrs. Weasley told us as she moved along to the next group.

"You need a guard?" I asked Harry.


"Sirius-no-you-are-not-going-to-in-danger-Harry-Dumbledore-said-NO!" Mrs Weasley scold Sirius in dog form.

"She is right Sirius, you should stay," I told him.

Sirius whined.

"Sirius, I will not allow you to leave the house," I say sternly.

Sirius transformed back to his human self.

"Why?" he asked, wiping his dirty forehead.

"You will be recognize! Don't death eaters know who you are, even your doggy form?"

"I won't be caught."

"I won't let you leave."

Sirius and I had a staring contest while Harry said, "She's right."

Sirius sighed, "You win this time, Lily," then proceeded to mumble something under his breath about me being like my mother.

It took 20 minutes for all of us to walk to Kings Cross by foot. Once inside the station we lingered casually by the barrier between platforms nine and ten until the coast was clear, the each of us leaned against it in turn and fell easily through onto platform nine and three quarters, where the Hogwarts Express stood belching sooty steam over a platform packed with departing students and their families. I was going to Hogwarts!!

"I hope the others make it in time," said Mrs Weasley anxiously, staring behind her at the wrought-iron arch spanning the platform, through which new arrivals would come.

"Oh good," said Mrs Weasley, sounding relieved, "here's Alastor with the luggage, look . . ."

A porter's cap pulled low over his mismatched eye, Moody came limping through the archway pushing a cart full of our trunks.

"All okay," he muttered to Mrs Weasley and Tonks. "Don't think we were followed..."

Seconds later, Mr Weasley emerged onto the platform with Ron and Hermione. We almost unloaded Moody's luggage cart when Fred, George, and Ginny turned up with Lupin.

"No trouble?" growled Moody.

"Nothing," said Lupin.

"I'll still be reporting Sturgis to Dumbledore, " said Moody. "That's the second time he's not turned up in a week. Getting as unreliable as Mundungus."

Lily Potter (Harry Potter's Twin)Where stories live. Discover now