Chapter 13: Tom Hiddleston vs Loki Laufeyson

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"He's so romantic....*le sigh*"  I sighed in longing pressing the iPad to my face. 

"Would you please stop your nasty fantasies? You have been talking about this man for hours and even I began to blush at your comments! Who is he actually?"

"It's this awesome, beautiful, handsome, intelligent actor.... Tom Hiddleston....*le sigh* "

"Please, I bet he is not more handsome than the next guy who enters the room." Just when he said that, Coulson walked in, gave Loki a death-stare, grabbed his weapon and left again. I glanced at Loki with this 'sorry, what did ya say?'- stare.

"Ok, maybe he is more handsome than Coulson, but I bet he isn't more handsome than me!"

"Wanna see him?"  I asked and pressed the iPad to the glass. Loki's eyes widened and he opened his mouth to say someting, but hesitated....

"This man.... who is he?  He looks exactly like me...."

"Already told you, he's an actor and.....what? Like you? Sorry Loki, but Tom looks nothing like you. He has a beard."

"Please, tell me you are not that stupid! This man could be my twin brother if it was not for his blonde hair...."

And then it hit me. I knew it!

"Loki, this guy has portrayed you in that awesome movie, um... 'The Avengers' I think. I knew I had seen him before..."

"WHAT?! They made a movie about me? With this man as me?"

"Yup, here's the tv spot with many of your scenes if you want to see yourself."

It's the fanmade tv spot on the right. If you like Loki, watch it xD

"'s impossible....."  He whispered and kept staring at the screen. After a while, he calmed down and said:  

"Well, at least you have a good taste in men."

"Do you want to watch the movie with me?"

"And how do you expect me to do that? Just walk out of this cell and go to the cinema with you?"

"Dude, of course I thought of that. I'll get this actor to dress himself like you and replace you in the cell till the movie is over. Nobody will notice that you left."

"And how are you supposed to get him? It's not like he will gladly help the mass murderer of New York to go watch a movie and replace him, not to forget get the world in danger again by letting me out."

"Tom loves his fans and is the nicest person on earth, I'm sure he doesn't mind. I'll go write an e-mail."

"Do what you want, I am sure he will not do it!"


"Oh Tom, I'm so glad you'll do it."

"Everything for my fans, but I didn't know you're keeping the REAL Loki in here. I mean, I never expected this tormented, misunderstood man to be real."

"I know, Tom. I know. Nobody expected that. I'll introduce you to each other."  I said when we entered the cell and Loki's eyes again widened in shock.

"How did you get him here? What sane creature would agree to this?"  Loki exclaimed.

"Hey, calm down man. I understand you, I know why you are like this and I want you to know that I don't just see the evilness inside you. I know there is more than just this hurt soul...."  Tom began, but Loki interrupted him.

"Do not pity me! I am evil because I want to!"

"No, you aren't. I know everything about you, and I know everything you need is just love."  Tom explained and oh man he looked so freaking gorgeous ♥

"Shut up, mortal!  You might look like me and sound like me, but stop thinking you know my intentions just because you portrayed me in one of your foolish plays!  Now just come in and let me see that movie that everyone is talking about." Loki spat.

 Tom sighed. "Alright, then change our appearances and I'll get in."  Loki snapped his fingers, and suddenly a man who looked like Loki stood next to me and a man who looked like Tom was inside the cell. I opened the door and they swapped places, but before I completely let Loki out I placed a device on his neck. "What is this, mortal?"  He asked furiously.

"It's a device I will use if you try to escape. If you try anything I will push the button on my bracelet and you will get tasered."

" -.- "

Tom sat down in the cell and tried to act like Loki. "And don't be nice, Tom. Otherwise they'll get suspicous. I know it's hard for you not to be your lovely, adorable, sincere self but you have to act as if you want to kill everyone right on the spot."

"I do not take orders from mewling mortals!"  Tom spat mischievously and I smiled at him. "Perfect."

Then I pulled 'Tom' who was Loki out of the room and we made our way to the cinema.

Oh, that will be totally funny.

A/N: The next chapter will be about Loki and Nerdie watching the movie and Loki's reaction. How did you like this chapter? Please, I love to read comments!

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