Chapter 33: Continuation of Thursday

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(Third Person's P.O.V.)

Shortly after their little 'drinking contest', they all eventually passed out. Some sitting on the bar, some stuck to the ceiling, some under the tables.... And some actually ended up on the roof.

The loud sound of shattering glass made them all startle up as the glass of scotch Tony held in his hand fell to the ground.

"Wha-wha, Odinsleep...." Thor groaned and got up. His thick Asgardian skull suffered from the fight with Loki yesterday. They had both risen their bottles and smashed one other's head without hesitation.

"Ewww who are you?!"  Natasha screamed and literally scratched Barton away from her. They were likewise totally wasted.


"SHUT UP WHOEVER YOU ARE!" Loki yelled at a very hysterical Steve and stuffed an ananas into his mouth.


"What?!"  They all shouted together and Loki grabbed the ananas by the leaves pulling it out again.


    Lost your pen=no pen
    No pen=no notes
    No notes=no study
    No study=Fail
    Fail=no diploma
    No diploma=no work
    no work=no money
    no money=no food
    no food=you get skinny
    you get skinny=then you get ugly
    Ugly=no love
    no love=no marriage
    no marriage=no children
    no children= alone


"Hey, dude! Yeah, you! The one with the random ananas in you hand! Can you please put it back in? This retarded guy is hurting my ears!"  This was the first time that Tony made a comment.

"Who are you to speak with me like that?!"

"Who are you to think you can ask me who I am?!"

"I am - Er....  you know exactly who I am!"

"Dude, we don't even know who we are!"  Clint replied from across the room.

"I know who you people are!"  A random and nerving voice rang through the silence. Nerdie, who stayed sober the entire night, came down from the fridge. First, she pointed at Thor, who was by the way hanging headfirst from the ceiling.

"You are Thor, a would-be philosopher and a pacifist. Additionally, you play Cinderella every Sunday with the girls from the local elementary school to earn money."

Yes, she was sober but that didn't change the fact that she was insane. And Loki had also rubbed off, for she discovered 'the freak' in her, a mischievous freak that is dangerous to everyone with an IQ over 50.

"You! Billion-Dollar-Boy! You're a philanthropist who earned his fortune by inventing ban-apples and floating toilet seats. See that guy over there?"  She pointed at Steve.

"This is your best friend. You two grew up together and live like brothers."

"Ban-apples? Nerdie, I don't think this is a good ide - "

"Zip it, Steve! Or I will tell them you know what!" 

Nerdie was referring to Rogers remaining virginity, which she was now using against him. She was having fun and no one would dare interrupt it.

"And you! You are secretly Spider Woman and you're in love with your sidekick Hawkward. Speaking of him, he's also in love with you but you're both too stupid to confess your love. Your babies would be soooo awesome!"

After that, Tasha and Clint eyed each other embarrassed and awkwardly. Eventually, Clint took her hand and whispered:

"Do you want to kick some people's asses with me?"

"With you? Hell, no! But she said I'm in love with you, so I guess.... Let's go spin some nets."  With that, they both left holding hands to change into their costumes.

"And now to the remaining one.... Loki Bartholomoew  Laufeyson."   She purred walking around him. "You are my husband. Nuff said."

"WHAT?! I'm in no way your husband, you're ugly and you're nerving and dumb! I would never marry someone like you!"

"Oh, but I'm the one with the memories, darling, remember? I told you not to drink too much, but you would never listen. Tz Tz, you naughty boy, you." 

"But, but, but - "

"No butts! Now take my hand and let's run towards the sunset!"  Nerdie shouted enthusiasically and jumped on his back. Ramming her heels into his sides, she took a hold of his hair and urged him to run. That startled him and without knowing what he was doing, Loki headed for the door.

The problem was, he was still hungover and missed the door by two metres, running straight into a wall. The impact shook his brain so hard that all the memories from before the drinking came back. It took him only fractions of a second to grab Nerdie's shoulders and fling her over his head, slamming her violently and mercilessly against the ground.

"Did. You. Just. Ride. On. My. Back?" Loki hissed through gritted teeth.

"Oh, Master, I, I, er.... "

A/N: Okay, so this on is a bit longer than the ones before. I wasn't really in the mood to be funny and this is what got created.

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