Chapter 46: Wedding Preparations

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Before the wedding

(Nerdie's P.O.V.)

"Loki, I don't think this is a good ide - "

"No, 'tis better like this.Otherwise they will become suspicious, you know? They know I love you and that I will do everything possible to sabotage the wedding. Your mortal friend has to make play realistically." 

"But he doesn't know how to use your powers!"

"He will learn it fast, if he is as.... formidable as you claim."

"Hey, does anybody care about what I think about it?!"  Tom spoke up for the first time.

We were all inside the small bathroom of Loki's container almost pressed up against each other. Tom already wore his wig and his make up and his costume... But Loki was still himself.

He insisted that Tom should pull a prank or try to unnerve the people in order to act believably. Loki gave him a necklace that provided him with some magical powers to make a scene so nobody would doubt him. Evidently, it was quite clear that Loki would do anything to ruin his brother's big day.

"No!"  We both shouted at Tom and he pulled that eyebrow-thing of his that drove girls all over the world crazy. 

"Okay, I'm sorry, my love..." 

"Your love?! Do you want me to kill this creature?!"

"NO!"  This time both Tom and me yelled. "He can't be blamed for his perfection."

"You call it perfection... I call it a beautiful mistake." Loki purred sensually.

That left us dumbstruck for a moment. 

"Dude, that sounded a bit... strange coming out of your mouth."

"Dito."  Tom agreed.

"Shut your mouths and get out you mewling q - "

"I'm a dude. You can't call me a q - " Tom started, but I cut him off.

"Hey! Both of you! I am going to marry today and I am not going to let you ruin it because of your stupidity. You! Go into your container and practise some magic stuff. You! Go change into an enormous ball of meat and into Asgardian attire! I will make sure the real Point Break doesn't get out of his room."

Tom went out as he was told. Loki and I remained there, looking down and not finding the right words.

"Admit it, he's hawt."  I said and nudged him playfully.

"Only because he looks like me."  

"No, you like him. I can see that in your eyes."

"I do certainly not! He is kind, he is sweet, he is what you mortals would call 'cute' - "

"Loki.... Please, just don't talk anymore. Just - don't. You're only getting yourself deeper into shit."

"Whatever you say, darling."  He whispered feignedly sweet like a true gentleman and began to walk away, but I tackled him with the speed of light and denied him any further movement.

"Say, do you want me, Loki?"

"I... Yes." 

"Why is it so hard to say it?"

"I feel like an idiot. Because I love a mortal, a crazy one with countless issues and mental problems! This is the basest sentimentality, this is a child at prayer... pathetic. I lie and kill in the service of liars and killers. I pretend to be seperate, to have my own code. Something that makes up for the horrors. But they are part of me, and they will never go away."

"I won't touch you, not until I make you say it! Slowly, intimately, in every way I know you fear! And then you will say it in front of everyone, and when they laugh, I will split their skulls! This is my bargain, you hawt dawg!"

"Do we have to go through this every day?"

"You were the one who began! Now get your shit together and do some Vegas magic that makes you look like Thor. And don't be late, my darling."

With that, I kissed him on his cheek and left. This had to be done, and it had to be done well.

Tom could lose his job if they caught us, Loki would probably get the worst punishment possible that did not require his death and I would be either fired... or fired. 

And sent back to Gatlin. 

Tears came into my eyes when I remembered those days in Gatlin, the only town I would never visit again even if they gave me tons of millions of dollars. Never. Everywhere, but not Gatlin. 

Shaking off the thoughts of the worst years of my life, I focused on being my insane and hyper self. I peeked through the keyhole and saw Thor sleeping with a Poptart in his mouth. Then a mean idea crossed my mind...

I replaced the door knob with a Rubik's Cube. That would keep him distracted for a while.

I ran back into my personal room to look one last time into the mirror. 

My make up wasn't smudged and I looked actually quite decent. The dress I wore was plain... and pink. Not the shade of pink that causes you eye cancer, but the shade of pink that went into the direction of wine red. Don't ask me to describe this further. I can't.

All in all, it was acceptable and giving me a certain 'vibe'. The heels were awesome, I mean, they were crushing my feet but who cared? Yolo. They looked beautiful and actually gave me some proper height.

I thought I was ready and prayed the guys were okay. 

If Loki ruined this, I would ruin his live.  He better not messes with me, not today.

Taking all the courage I had into my hands, I went out and stepped on the open deck. 

A/N: Yes! Gatlin! I was just reading Beautiful Creature and thought Gatlin was a great town for stupid parents! 

The next chapter will definitely be the wedding, no further waiting anymore!

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