Chapter 37: YOLO

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(Nerdie's P.O.V.)

I was competely and entirely against it, but even I as Loki's technical fiancée could do nothing to protect him.

Stark's heart was broken (as broken as his 'heart' could be) and it was the affection he strangely had felt for Loki that had turned into anger, into madness. Loki's suicide attempt, which would have made me jump right behind him just so he would be the last thing I saw, wasn't exactly making it any better.

He had my depressed and psychoterroristic lover tied to a chair and rendered harmless. He hadn't slept for days, Tony had made sure of that by forcing him to hear One Direction non-stop. I thought this was torture enough, but it turned out this was only the beginning.

"I think you now what I will do now, Loki."  He announce and ripped the giant Poptart out of Loki's mouth. After the first three minutes, he had given up and begun to scream. It was so painful and unbearable that they had to close his mouth in order to let the staff on the Hellicarrier sleep.

"And what would that be?"  Loki scoffed and coughed, relived that the music was turned off at least.

"I would have rathered the torture with the electric shocks, but your... girlfriend...."  He kind of said it with disgust. I thought Stark liked me! Well, probably not anymore since I sort of stole his boyfriend...

"... begged on her knees to have me lessen your punishment, which I am free to choose." 

It was then when it occurred me that Stark was actually sober. He would never talk with that much eloquence under the influence of alcohol. Never.

"Now, there is a dart board on the wall. I will throw arrows at it and you will have to describe the words on the different spaces. If you're right, I won't punish you and go to the next question. If you fail, I will electrocute you."

"And how the hell do I win?!"

"By shutting you wh*re mouth."

Then, he threw the first arrow at the dart board.

"Question no #1: What is 'The Harlem Shake'?"

"Ah... Oh, I know! It is the name of the day when your green, ugly and dull creature destroyed that petty part of New York. Harlem, right?"

I tried to motion him that this was totally wrong with my eyes, but he wasn't looking. I was glad to be even allowed to watch this, especially when having my sadistic moods...

"Nope!"  Stark shouted through a megaphone purposely into Loki's ear and pulled the lever.

The electricity ran through his body like his golden, shiny blood through his pretenious demigod veins. The shaking wasn't as bad as I expected though, probably because he had this resistance against physical harm.

Still, I knew Tony could make him suffer if he wanted. He was a genious in inventing things to kill other things.

"Next question."  He announced as the arrow hit a yellow field with the word 'Hipster'.  "What is a 'hipster'?"

"Hipsthor... Hipsthor.... A new dance of Thor's? With him shaking his hips like a twit?"

I facepalmed. Seriously, it was my job to be stupid.

"Oh-oh, wrong answer!"  And another shock, this time additionally blowing Justin Bieber's 'Boyfriend' through his skull. For a solid minute.

"Enough, honey?" Stark purred, but already grasped the next arrow.

"It is not like I had any choice, am I right, Anthony?"

"Totally right, sweetheart. Third question: What does the abbreviation 'YOLO' stand for?"

I crossed my fingers and literally was about to jump at Loki. He had to answer this right, this was a question a smartass like him had to be capable of to answer.

"Ehehe, that is an easy one, my friend."  Loki began mischievously.

"Answer then." It was really surprising what love could do to people. I mean, both me and Stark would've risked everything for Loki, and this small rejection changed everything.

It made Stark a hateful and evil guy whose only aim is to have revenge on anyone. Especially me.

"You Owe Loki Obedience."

Oh. NO. He didn't.

The next move of Tony's was very unexpected, like, it made me think 'Seriously?'. It was also then when I lost any faith I had in humanity, respectively in him. Loki got something comparable to the death sentence on Earth and on Asgard. Something so unhuman and muderous I thought it would be impossible.

I didn't expect that Tony was capable of such inhumanity and cruelty.

Knowing that Loki was a Frost Giant and was allergic to warmth, he forced him into a sweatbath. With his complete suit glued to his skin to he couldn't take it off. Through the intercom, he told him:

"By the way, this isn't going to be over fast. Enjoy yourself, my darling. You Only Live Once."

Then, he turned on alternatingly Taylor Swift, JB, One Direction, The Wanted and Barbie Girl songs  at full volume.

"I would've let you in too, but he's confessed his love for you. It wouldn't be a punishment anymore."

A/N: Poor Loki :( I'm not trying to offend anyone, but I really hate most of the songs on the radio nowadays. It's mainstream crap and I can't stand it. (Haters gonna hate lol)

And please don't fill the comments section with comments of how beautiful these songs are, I don't like them and I won't. I'm someone who's into Opera and Symphonic Metal.

What did you think of the chapter? Feedback is much appreciated :D

And sorry for the delay, I needed to get some stuff done (i.e. school, school and more school)

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