Chapter 55: A Dance with Death

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(Nerdie's P.O.V.)

Oh,  I would show that dawg. 

He will beg for me to come back to him and guard his ass and shave his back! Ha!  It was only a question of time. Surely. 


I was sitting in shade with my back against a palm tree when an unexpected noise made my head jerk up.

There, among all the yowling, shouting and screeching of the disgusting creatures called the 'Macaronies',  was a sound so gentle and melodic... 

The voice was definitely better than Loki's. 

I jumped up and went to find where it came from. The walk took me a while, but the beautiful sound was getting clearer and nearer fast. It was the voice of a young male...  

And how he looked. Like a - like a God! The God of Beauty! Like a freshly shelled avocado in all her glory and elegance!

"ANGEL OF MUSIC!!!"  I screamed in my fangirl-voice and jumped down his throat.

"Ah... The sound of subjugation."  He replied with his angelic, seducing and manly voice. 

His clothing consisted of a kind of smoking with accents of dark blue and a blue jewel above his colar bone. Dudes nowadays would kill to have a body like that , so - so masculine! So muscular! 

Loki was sparrowgrass compared to - to that.

And his blonde hair! Oh, my poor ovaries...

Still in his arms, I gazed into his icy blue eyes and figuratively felt his stunning smirk at my face. He was up to no good, but hey - No one of my crushes was. 

In front of his feet lied a woman in a white dress, seemingly dead. 

"What happened to her?"   I asked while shifting into a more comfortable position.

Mr. Perfect was carrying me on his arms now. 

"I took her ssssoul away."   

Gosh, his accent!  I - I just - just can't.

This man was irrestistible. Something told me he was originally Hungarian (Yes, I knew all sorts of accents in the world. Hungarian was one of my favourite ones, right after British).  The stress on the 's' didn't exactly make it any better.

"I'm Death."  Ooooh, he liked roleplays....

"Oh, yes... You are."  I sighed with relish.

"And you are ...?" 

"Dying in your arms, my Black Prince! Kissss me!"  

Mimicking his pronounciation of 's' I closed my eyes and went slack in his arms waiting for Death's kiss.

"TOUCH MY WIFE AND I WILL FIRE A RADIOACTIVE SCEPTER AT YOUR FACE!"  Another enjoyable voice interrupted my flirting.

My Black Prince (or Death, as he still obviously called himself) turned around with me in his arms and smiled evily at Loki, my husband. Perfect.

"Oh, Lord Prince.... I have expected to find you here." 

"Don't you touch her, or I swear - "

"But you see, she has come willingly, have you not, darling?"  His breath was tickling my nose, but it smelled overwhelming... the trees around us began to spin. 

"Nerdellia, how could you? I thought you - I thought we loved each other."   Loki's voice cracked away at the end.

"L-Loki, I - " 

"  - and then I find you in the arms of him? Death? Nerdellia, have I led you to these thoughts?"

"Do not listen to him, princess. You belong to me... I will take you away, away from this island and the pain, away from your despair, away from the shadows... away from him. We can be together, forever." 

"I - I don't know!"

"Time is on my side!"  Blondie continued.

"I can't think!" 

"Because you do not understand! He is only here as long as you wish to die! Death will vanish as soon as you stop craving him!"

"Ah, Loki! Don't ruin this for me, just because I want your little girlfriend!" 

"Listen, Nerdie! I know you can hear me still, it is not too late! Just say 'no' and come back to me! Death is known all over the Nine Realms for his seduction and his damnation - "

"Well, I guess you are wrong, my darling Loki... I can have whoever I want, even you. Watch and see."  

Suddenly, Death threw me at the ground and snapped his fingers, letting that hot smoking vanish and get replaced by a... blue dress. 

Wow, he looked better in that dress than I would have (which is really sad). He even has boobs o.O

Then, the death dance began. 

They both danced around, Death now more feminine with the gown but still with his athletic body and Loki in his hula skirt. 

It then dawned on me why I fell for Death. He was dominant, evil, devilishly handsome and cunning. He was just like Loki... My Loki.

It was an exciting dance, black hair against blonde hair, green eyes against blue eyes, Mischief against Death...  But the end was as shocking as it was awkward.

Death made duplicates of himself and played with Loki, made him run and turn and fall and fail... In the end, the Kiss of Death made Loki fire the gun which my Black Prince had put into his hand and which he held to his temple.

He fell lifelessly to the ground. 

"And now, my dear... It's your turn." 

A/N: OMG OMG OMG *Inhales deeply*

Okay, this chapter was inspired by my new (creepy) obsession with the musical 'Elisabeth'. 

This devilishly hot dude is no other than Máté Kamarás who plays 'Death' in 'Elisabeth' too. 

The .gif is just how he looks and talks when he's with Nerdie and the video (PLEASE WATCH IT YOU WON'T REGRET!) is how he looks while dancing the death dance with Loki. Just imagine the short other guy to be Loki.

Please, do me a favor and see this video, it's only 1:07 minutes long and a very important scene in this chapter! 

What do you think? Am I very sick for doing this? xD

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