Chapter 8: Nerdie's Birthday Party (Part 2)

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Loki flashed a mischievous grin at Natasha and Thor before he spoke and smirked the evilest smile he could.

"Thor. Truth or Dare?"  He asked Thor and there was nothing but the pure malice in his voice.

"Dare, brother."  Thor answered, Loki again flinched at his loud voice.

"Damn it, I'm not your brother! And stop yelling! I'm sitting next to you, you twit."  Loki answered and made Thor sad. Then Loki added: "I dare you to place your hammer on Birdie's chest and kiss Natasha's lips for at least ten seconds."

We all stiffened.

That was the meanest challenge I had ever heard. Thor, Natasha and Clint were staring at each other with wide eyes and Clint growled.

"BURRRNNN..." Stark said, but was silenced by a death-glare from Clint.

"Now, I am waiting. Do it, King of Asgard." Loki teased and Thor punched his shoulder before standing up and summoning his Mjölnir.

"I will never forgive you for making me betray Jane. Know that, and live with your conscious."  Thor growled and grabbed Clint's shoulder, pushing him to the ground and placing his hammer on his chest.

"Thor, I'm warning you... Don't you dare - "  Clint panted under the weight of Mjölnir.

"I am sorry, my friend. But a God must do what a God must do."  Thor answered and turned to Natasha, who was pointing a gun at Thor. 

"Back away, Thor...."  She threatened.

"Why, my dear Natasha? I am quite under the impression that you two fancy each other...." Loki purred.

"WHAT?!?!"  Clint exclaimed and and glared at Natasha.

"Clint, he's lying. Thor is like a brother, I would never - "  She tried to explain but Thor interrupted her by placing a deep, unwilling kiss on her lips and no matter how hard Natasha pushed him away, he would kiss her until the ten seconds were over.

"Dude, that was sooo lame."  I told Loki and frowned at him, though I took out my HTC and began to film the scene. After they finished, Natasha slapped Thor across the face, leaving a red mark on his cheek and wiped her lips clean.

"Now, was that so hard?" Loki smirked but Clint, who was free now, grabbed him by his neck and choked him.

"Wait until this party is over, you're so going to pay for this you [insert insults here] PUNY GOD! Prepare for a meeting with the spiky baseball bat again...."  Clint threatened him and Loki went all pale, looking at me with pleading eyes.

"Clint, let go of him! I don't want you to kill him on my birthday party!"  I told him and Clint slowly removed his hands from Loki's neck. Now it was Thor's turn to choose someone.

"Loki. Truth or Dare?"  He growled. Oooooh, he wanted revenge.

"Why always me?" Loki asked. 

"THAT'S WHY! NOW CHOOSE!"  Thor yelled right into Loki's ears.

"Truth."  Loki said.   "Puny God, puny God..."  All the Avengers teased him, but prideful as he is he ignored them and waited for Thor's question.

"Do you love me?"

All:  O.O

"No."  Loki replied bluntly and earned death-stares from everyone, including me because Thor began to cry quietly. He was like a giant, vulnerable baby. I signified him to change his answer and he looked at me unwillingly but finally did what  I asked him to do.

"I - I mean... I don't love you in an intimate way. I love you as a brother, my big brother who always protected me and taught me how to fight and... The answer is yes, I love you. Brother."

Thor grinned so wide I thought his face would explode and then grabbed Loki out of the blue, locking him in his buff arms. "And I love you too, brother. Nothing can change that, Loki."

"Great, then get off of me, you giant bilgesnipe!"  Loki stated utterly breathless and Thor let go off him, but kept an arm around his shoulders. I smiled at Loki and I swear -  I saw happiness in his eyes for a brief second.

"And what do we do now?" Bruce asked.

"I dunno, what else could we play?"  I questioned and they all looked at Loki.

"What are you - "

Before he could continue, Clint knocked him out with one of his arrows with anesthetic. We all looked at Clint in shock, but most of us laughed their asses off at Loki DROOLING yet again.

"This never gets boring."  Stark said and took his StarkPhone out, taking pictures [le duckface] with a half-dead Loki.

"It's time for another tattoo, my dearest God of Mischief."  Clint said smirking evilly. He got out of the room and returned with everything you need to make a tattoo.

"Girls, watch out. It'll get very bloody..."  Bruce said but neither Natasha nor me wanted to miss this.


"It's a masterpiece!"  Stark stated and didn't stop taking photos of Loki's tormented back. Clint had made a big, mean tattoo on it and now it was red and covered with blood.

"They saying is so modern and suitable."  Bruce stated and patted Clint's back. 

"But my friends, you can not embarrass Loki in such an unruly way." Thor interposed and we laughed at his comment.

"Oh yes, we can."  Steve said.

"This is the coolest thing ever.... Hey look, he awakes!"  Natasha yelled and Loki's eye lids began to flutter before he opened them fully and stared at us.

"W-why am I shirtless? What - Oh no, please tell me he didn't."  Loki growled.

"Sorry for disappointing you, Loki. But he did it and we watched it with the greatest of pleasures shooting everything."  Steve told him with a huge grin. He probably still thought shooting = guns.

Loki ran into the bathroom and looked at his back in shock. We all heard a loud "NOOOOO!!!!"  and laughed even harder.

He dashed again into the room and looked at us like we had just murdered his mother.

"Seriously? ' Made in Jotunheim '?" 

A/N: So that was the second and last part of Nerdie's Birthday Party! The next chapter should be up soon :D


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