Chapter 59: Constellations

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(Nerdie's P.O.V.)

From what you have read until now, you might have a clear impression of what was going on those times on the island. My confused mind had always been the best place to store memories (only those related to Loki, of course) and before I continue telling my story...

(Yes, this is me telling this now. The third person narrator got bored and left this holy duty to me.) 

Let this fangirl here tell you about a beautiful, beautiful night with my Loki.

We did nothing,

Absolutely and utterly nothing. 

We just laid there on the warm sand, listening to the music of the night (eugh eugh Phantom reference eugh eugh) and staring at the night sky.

Loki was calm, after he had gotten his hair gel he became the innocent lamb he is in the innermost corners and angles of his heart.

Quick note: I had been drinking Tony's cactus juice, and you know... Dense people talk eloquently when drunk :)  And they add smileys to their thoughts. Enough at that point, though.

After all the exhaustion of another hot day, lost on somewhere in the middle of nowhere and with next to no hopes of ever getting back home, we just didn't feel like argueing or throwing insults at each other anymore. 

"That's The Bilgesnipe."  He said after some time.

"The what?"

"The Bilgesnipe. 'Tis a constellation of the stars, you mortals have a lot, too. But in Asgard, we use different ones, much bigger and more impressive ones than you." 

"Do they have a meaning? Up in Asgard, I mean. Like, do you believe in astrology and stuff?"

"In that way, yes. It has an important meaning, being born 'to a star'. That is how we call it. Thor was born to this one, it symbolises strength and manliness... As well as limited mental abilities and the disability to speak in an adequate volume." 

"So this is, like, Thor's star?"  This was getting interesting, right?

"No, he as his own. But you cannot see it right now, maybe a few weeks later." 

I remained silent. After a while, I questioned:

"Do you have a star, too?" 

"Yes. Do you see those three?"

"No, not really. There's thousands of them, duh." 

"A bit under The Bilgesnipe, three stars alone without others in close vicinity to them. Alone, all alone, surrounded by a black ring of dark matter." 


I got where this was going, strangely this juice left me with so much free space to think coherently. Loki did somewhere identify with his constellation. He was a loner, he always had been.


"But why only three?"  I asked to end the heavy silence. 

"They represent the three instances of my titles: Mischief, lies and evil. The represent me. That is how it always had been."

"Loki... You know that's not true. You've changed, everyone can see that." 

"Change of heart, you mean? Who would believe me up there? A banished prince of Asgard, a banished prince of Jotunheim and the failed conqueror of Midgard. You know, my story does not really help me." 

"It doesn't matter. Loki, I love you. If a 'tiny little mortal' could love you passionately and beyond all boundaries, why do you think those dumb Gods and Godesses up there couldn't?" 

"They are not dumb. Rather prejudiced. You know, we immortals are a bit like stones. Once in a shape, we never really change. We remain what and how we are, and we keep our attitudes and moral... 'Tis very unlikely someone 'up there' could ever tolerate me." 

"Told you. If they can't change, they must be dumb."

"Well, you have to know what 'dumb' is."   He teased while squeezing my hand lightly.

That was the first time that Loki had called me stupid without yelling it like an idiot. It was sincere, a sincere insult out of love, out of his heart.

"And you're the ugliest dipshit I've ever married." I replied and turned to look him in the eyes.

They were exceptionally blue, a deep, sorrowful blue. 

"No one knows what it's like to be a sad man, to be a bad man, behind blue eyes." 

"What is that? Mortal poetry?" 

"Kind of. It's a song, and your eyes just inspired me to sing randomly." 

We remained silent for another while. Sometimes, silence just said more than a thousand words. 



"I... Well, I actually made something for you."   I uttered sheepishly and tried to hide my embarrassment. 

"Is it another golden helmet with horns? I told you I do not like seeing it - "

"No, no, no!  Not a helmet... But almost." 

"A scepter?"


"A haircut! Please tell me 'tis a haircut!" 

"Ah... No. Here, look at it." 

I handed him the bundle I'd been hiding behind a bush the last few days.

After tearing through the layers of palm tree leaves, Loki finally freed my present....

"Happy first anniversary."  

"But, but - It has not been a year!"  Loki stuttered as he took on the pants I made him.

"True, Lollipop. But exactly a year ago you came into my life, or I in yours, whatever you favor. And that's your present." 

"Oh."  He actually smiled. "Thank you! Thank you... But, there is nothing I have for you." 

"That's okay. You presented me with youself." 

"Now give us a kiss?" 

"I would never say no." 

A/N: And their ship is sailing!!!  What do you think of it? We need a ship name, party people!

Any ideas? 

Feedback is much appreciated! 

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