Chapter 27: You Know You're in Loki's Army when.....

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A/N: Okay, so I saw a few of those on Facebook and Tumblr and thought I should share them ;)

Nerdie's list of 'You-Know-You're-in-Loki's-Army-when" - sentences:

You know you're in Loki's army when....

....... 'grab the bull by the horns' has a completely different meaning to you

....... you basic thoughts in class are 'How to summon a Norse God?!'

....... "An ant has no quarrels with a boot.' is the first thing you say to someone biting your head off.

........ you no longer care about youself, only for your king.

....... you begin to consider all the Midgardians beneath you.

....... your family tells you that your obsession has gone too far.

...... you would marry him in a heartbeat.

....... you can relate to Loki and his past/disposition

....... you want to oversome life's obstacles and not cause them for others.

...... you run and shout 'For Asgard!' instead of 'For Narnia!"

...... you plug in your USB drive, which glows blue, and you immediately think about Loki and The Avengers.

..... faced with a decision, you ask yourself 'What would Loki do?'

...... you suddenly find horns attractive.

...... you make his helmet and scepter for Halloween.

...... you have over 1000 pics/gifs with Tom/Loki on your computer.

....... the only insult you use is 'you mewling q****'

...... suddenly you like the green.

...... you think Loki's horns aren't ridiculous at all but hot.

...... Loki literally saved you life and you owe your peace and new-found  sense of joy and freedom to him.

...... you excuse yourself saying 'Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go destroy Jotunheim.'

...... you actually kneel while watching him ay 'Kneeeyyyuuulll' in The Avengers.

...... whenever a movie line resembles 'This is madness.' you shout 'Is it madness? Is it? IS IT?'

.... you grin everytime you hear the word 'mischief'.

...... you just love him because he is the 'ehehehe bad guy'

.... you don't see Loki as a villain, but as a beloved victim that needs a hug

.... you cry while reading Norse Mythology.

...... you don't find it strange and sick at all that his kids are animals.

...... you fangirl over all his photos.

...... you were made to be ruled.

..... someone says the word 'low-key' you instantly think of Loki, the God of Mischief.

..... you see a goat with horns and yell 'KNEEEYUUULL'

...... you think Loki is hotter than Thor.

...... someone questions your actions or words, you reply with 'I do what I want.' or 'I regret nothing.'

..... you like the villain of the movie more than the heroes.

..... Loki is not evil, he is jsut angry, hurt and misunderstood.

...... your parents say 'Tonight will be low-key night.' and you hear 'a Loki night'.

..... you scream 'Loki, no!' instead of a normal 'No!'

...... you consider Loki your most favourite villain of all time.

..... Hello Kitty reminds you of Loki because it has 'Loki'  in it.

.... you got into Tom Hiddleston because he plays Loki in Thor and The Avengers.

..... a person with their black hair pulled back = Loki

....... 'I do what I want' is an excuse for everything.

...... you watched Thor and The Avengers because of Loki.

..... the colour green reminds you of Loki. Always.

...... Loki is your idol of a hot king.

"Loki!!! Look what I wrote!!!!" 

He will love it!

A/N: Credits to this tumblr page!

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