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 "Phew, finally! Grading those papers took forever!" he dragged his hand across his forehead. A long day of work had come to an end!

"Geez, (Y/n), didn't think it would take you that long to finish up," a familiar stoic voice called out to the man.

Siren: the melodic hero. Quirk: Lullaby. His quirk makes his opponent feel what he wants them to feel, but the song must be one genre: a lullaby makes opponents sleepy, an aggressive song weakens opponents defense at his "rage" , sad songs make opponents breakdown in tears, lustful songs make opponents a bit... incapacitated, you get the idea, but he cannot use it for long periods of time or he will lose his voice, and potentially hurt himself.

"Oh ha- ha Sho, like you do any better!" (Y/n) berated back at him, making the older man chuckle as he strode over to him. Aizawa plopped down in the seat beside him letting out a big sigh, "I will say it feels like we have more work to do before the school year starts..."

"Well, duh, that's because we have to prepare the curriculum for the new students!" (Y/n) replied eagerly. He had always been so fond of his students. He was very excited about this year! He had a good feeling about it.

"SIREN! WHAT'S UP MY DUDE?!" A loud, piercing voice hit his ears, he turned around and saw Hizashi Yamada walking up to them along with the gorgeous Nemuri. Hizashi jumped over, and wrapped one arm around him leaning slightly on the male. (Y/N) chuckled at his enthusiasm, "Eh, nothing' much what about you Yama?"

"DOIN' PRETTY WELL MYSELF~" He gave him a smirk and double finger guns as he walked away to his seat on the other end of the round table. (Y/n) continued to giggle at him while Aizawa grumbled beside him, "Could you be any louder...?"

"Well I could, buuut I have a feeling you wouldn't like that Sho~" Hizashi shot back looking at him through his lashes, his smirk broadening, "Oh, would you two stop flirting already?" Nemuri called out waiting patiently for her turn to speak, "Geez, you two wreak of sexual tension!"

This made Aizawa and Hizashi turn red, only difference was Hizashi loudly stating that they "were not fucking". (Y/N) burst out laughing for a good minute before turning to Nemuri, "Good afternoon Nemuri!"

The flamboyant woman looked over and smiled, "Heya Siren! How did the paperwork go?"

(Y/n) sighed running a hand through his hair, "It was boring, but worth it! I know that it's going to make the school year better!"

Nemuri nodded, "I hear you. It was a tedious process, but I know it's going to make things go more smoothly. At least it's over now, right Siren?"

(Y/n) rolled his eyes, "Nemuri, you don't have to address me as Siren, you know that right?" He rubbed the back of his neck. Nemuri chuckled, "Oops~ sorry sweetie."

There was a pause for a moment before Hizashi spoke, "So what's everyone doing tonight? Just wanna make sure we're still on for drinks!"

"You know I'm gonna be there! It's karaoke night! (Y/n), you better be there!" Nemuri cheered, a fist pumped in the air. (Y/n) nervously looked around, "Well..."

Nemuri and Hizashi clasped their hands together and yelled, "Please!"

"Guys don't pressure him, he's got a lot on his plate," Aizawa cut in, "I won't even be able to make it tonight due to patrol," a chorus of awes came from the two sitting across from them.

"Yeah, I'm sorry guys, I'm trying to get my shit together before school starts," (Y/n) replied. Nemuri sighed, "Party pooper..."

"Hello Heros!" A small voice calls out. They all look over to the doorway seeing a small white bear, dog, mouse thing waving.

"Good afternoon, Principal Nedzu!" They all called out. Nedzu made his way to the center of the room, and climbed up onto the desks, "I have some wonderful news! We will be accepting another teacher to our school!" He said, his eyes full of mirth. A murmur broke out with the four teachers. (Y/N)'s eyes lit up, "Who might it be?"

Nedzu smiled and said with ease "Our newest addition will be All Might of course!" Hizashi, Nemuri, and (Y/n) all but fell to the ground "ALL MIGHT?!" Whispers scattered throughout the room "Why would he work here?" "I wonder what he's like."

Aizawa spoke up, "Principal Nedzu?" Nedzu turned to him, humming.

"Why would All Might come here? I mean doesn't he make tons of money already? Let's not even get started on his fame." Nedzu chuckled "This isn't a matter of money or fame at all! He just wanted to try something new!"

Aizawa scoffed, "Yeah, I seriously doubt that... even if it isn't for money it definitely will be bringing some news stations. Won't this endanger the students?"

"Now, now Aizawa, not everyone is like you. I have taken into consideration the news stations, but with him being around I think this will be a wonderful opportunity to show the world what UA is made of! Now I want you all to be here at 6:00 A.M. sharp. We will do a debriefing and bring him in."

They all nodded "Yes sir!"

"Good, that will be all for today. Once you are done with the paperwork, go ahead and head home! We've got a big day tomorrow!" Nedzu climbed down off of the desks, "Have a wonderful day everyone!" Once he left the room (Y/n) started to pack his things up, "I've already gotten my stuff taken care of, I'll see you guys tomorrow?"

They all nodded at him. Aizawa spoke up, "Yeah, we'll see you tomorrow."

Forgot to let everyone know at the beginning of the story that I am rewriting this, sooooo yeah, here's your warning it's going to go from okay to suddenly bad lol

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