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(...forgot another one guys sorry 😂)

When I was 11 I used to sit in the dark with just my TV light on which I was scared of the dark but I got used to it somewhat..until this day.

I was sitting on my bed on my laptop watching youtube on my wii u, when I look over to the edge of my bed and I saw a short dark shadow figure watching me the whole time. It had short hair and it look like a 12 year old boy, it was so dark I couldn't see its face expression and it was darkier than my room itself, I was staring back at it for like a minute my heart was pounding, I couldnt move either I  was so scared until It looked like it noticed me staring at it that it jumped back a little and ran towards my TV screen (my TV is huge soo) it jumped or something idk when it touched my TV screen it looked like it froze and dissapared into it.

I was sitting there speechless that I looked down in tears, I was so shock at what I just witnesses with my own eyes I laughed a little thinking to myself 'did that just happened? Did i really just see a ghost go into my TV screen?' I thought if i should tell my mom but I just kept it to myself (im still shock today remembering it).

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