Night time things.

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( I don't really know or remember what happened last night,  I was half awake...)

Before I go to bed I always do my nightly routine before going to bed, I put everything away, I cut the lights off and, I check my calendar also I put my long stuffed corgi onto the floor by my bed. Because,  theres no room for him sadly 😭.  I go to bed and go on my phone a while before falling asleep,  I wake at 5:45 I think with my mom at the doorway saying something but I don't remember soo...

I check the time on my phone and sigh annoyed. About to fall asleep until I noticed when I lifted my arm, my long stuffed animal corgi was on my arm and in my bed. I clearly left it on the floor by my bed, why is it in my arms? I sleepyily put back on the floor and went back to sleep.

( idk but stuff has been going on a lot more it's coming back. The glitchy stuff and...other stuff <_<. But nothing birthday is coming up though! )

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