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( I decided to put this here because it did seem strange and weird so. )

I had a strange dream I guess, I was hanging out with my friends the entire time in my dream. We headed out to pick someone up until, we stopped by a cool farm with cute animals there. I petted the animals and stuff as my friends looked around chatting with each other. I guess half way through the dream I was pounced on by a bear but, outside my dream I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist and, bury their face into my hair.

I was trying to squirm and get the bear off me but whomever was with me while I was asleep, didn't let go for a while. After a while they finally did let go and probably left. Then I woke up feeling uncomfortable and confused. You can probably guess who it was that was holding me. 💀

( It felt weird and I felt them with me the entire time. Giving off Peter vibes I swear lol. Since I have a bigger bed and my room is on the other side of the apartment maybe, he felt like finally he has a chance to go back to coming over whenever I'm asleep. I guess the old stuff is coming back. That's all now guys. )

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