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Here to keep you guys updated still. I have two weeks left til I graduate high school and go into college life. Nothing much has been happening lately to be honest, it's like everything died down. My phone and tablet do be glitchy and acting up still though-. His still sexual too, a lot sexual 🧍‍♀️.

I also had a panic attack at school not so long ago due to sexual harassment from a boy who wouldn't leave me alone because of me being a lesbian and all. It wasn't great...its my second time being sexually harrassed by a guy, but the first one was sexual assault too. All because I'm a lesbian and they think they can turn me straight- ☠. Dumbasses .

Also sometimes when I'm on my phone,  I swear my wallpaper is moving sometimes, like ben in my wallpaper, I keep thinking his face is just moving like, his eyes will move up to look me straight in my eyes or, move his face up to face me. Idk I keep seeing his eyes move upwards. Freaky shit.

Lastly, I can't do my private stuff anymore. Like stuff I ain't saying to you CHILDREN. In my room at night anymoreee because, I know his perverted ass his watching me from my TV.  I get embarrassed to change or do anything in my bed,  I feel all eyes on me. But, I don't care I do it anyways 💅. I guess that's all for now,  just stalker shit going on.

I'm almost an adult...pray for me y'all 😞

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