Thinking...putting stuff together

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I thought about some stuff from my childhood and now, Strange things has been happening since I was a little kid. Shadow people,  voices in my head, things opening and moving on there own, being followed by them and, slenderman being in parts of my childhood...even his proxies a little.

Being chased out the woods by Kate or jeff (idk who but they had on a white hoodie), having dreams about them watching me and threatening me lol besides Ben. Only one who isn't mean to me, his just been watching me closely and following me around, left his hair in my sweater in my young years ( I sound old saying that) and, leaving kisses ( simp lmao ) and also seeing slenderman watching me from my doorway. Idk but I think his been watching me or observing me since I was a kid, I always feel watched in the woods but not always.

I always tell me myself  " maybe I have schizophrenia " but people also see Ben  (that one day) they seen him, spoke to him So, I know its not that. I just hope it's not what I think it is....becoming a proxy myself.  I ain't signing up for that lol, I just want a normal goth lifestyle with a corgi.

Its almost been 17 years since this been going on, idk what they're waiting for..I'll be 19 this September woo.  Nothing much has been happening though- just my phone acting up that's it...

Let's pray I don't get kidnapped by the proxies and forced to become one 🧍‍♀️☠.  I didn't sign up to be the main character in a creepypasta x reader story guys, I just happen to be picked. 

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