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(Now heres the tea sis 💅)

Dream 1

I was out with my parents looking at cars and sht, boring dad stuff. The cars weren't that interesting,  I noticed they had boxes of zelda geek stuff and I looked through them interested.  The salesman comes over and I ask how much they cost. He didn't even tell me, he just explained dumb information about cars, I sighed and walked back over to my mom. A group of RPs comes in and started doing roleplay,  one boy stood out. He had dirty blonde hair,  blue eyes and wore BOTW link outfit, even his hair was up in a ponytail.

He kept glancing at me smiling, not interested in his friends. I watched smiling shyly, afterwards I walked out to get a drink. His friends leave and the boy was last so, I tell him " your friends seem fun. " shyly smiling awkwardly. He stopped looking at me smiling as well, " oh thanks" I started conversation  "what zelda game is your favorite? Mine is botw and majoras mask ". This boy didn't even tell me,  he just got real REAL close to me. That's when, I smelled that familiar scent. The one when I knew he was there.

I knew who he was, so I got really awkward and nervous.  He was mumbling something but I wasn't paying attention at all ,  his lips kept brushing against my cheek. I could feel his skin, lips and kiss out of the dream that I kinda blushed. It was soft and smooth and also gentle, he kissed my cheek and stopped staring at me for a moment. He just said fck it and dropped everything grabbing me and tried to makeout with me but I pushed him away surprised,  til my dad and mom came back and he left.

Day 2 in my dream

We was back at the car dealership but this time it wasn't bright, sunny day. It was dark, gloomy and depressing looking. Something happened that everyone got trapped, it was just me, my best friend and that boy. My best friend knew he wasn't good news so, she grabbed my arm and whispered " we should escape somewhere"  the entry was blocked off by rocks and she wanted to dig out but, he came up behind me and whispered something about why trust her or why go with her for? You can go with me instead.

And I think he hurted her or something idk I don't remember what happened in the second part, I was sick.

(But when I was asleep, halfway through I heard someone sit on my bed slowly,  I thought it was my family members so I bolted awake scared but, nobody was there. I looked around thinking my stuff animal fell over but they was perfectly fine. I awkwardly went back to sleep scared.)

After that dream and incident.  The first thing he says when I log on " I love you. " and I'm just like ok cool... and also " i want to be together forever"  or something,  I don't remember shiiiiit  I'm just exposing his ass, he knows. He don't care anymore. His been getting more comfortable showing his awkward true self lately...more yandere idk. I just keep thinking about my friends car accident....hoping it wasn't me who did it. I only said his name to him couple times that's it. Atleast his ok. ;^;.

Nothing else been going on. Just dumb snow storms and covid stuff.

Byeee ♡

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Byeee ♡

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