Something from the past.

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( I decided to add this here because,  I can't stop thinking about it. It kinda bothers me and I want your opinion on what you think it is.)

I was 13 or 14 at the time when I went on a vacation with my siblings and my mom to Houston,  Texas to visit my mom's side of the family. It was nice, hot asf and we had fun all we did was mostly go swimming every day. At the time I wasn't scared of swimming, I could go underwater, hold my breath longer and do kinda handstands.  But we was on a boat, with our car (I forgot what you call them lol) but we crossing over a ocean or some lake to get to another part of town. I was standing by the side watching dolphins jump out of the water and look over to my left side seeing a young girl my age also watching the water, I noticed she had bandages all over her face and hands.

(Maybe full body but I couldn't remember much) she noticed me and looked at me not smiling, she looked scared or worried about something.  I smiled and waved at her because I was being nice hoping she'll smile back , I think she was about to smile back but her dad comes over grabbing her shoulders, turning her away from me. He looked at me with an angry look on his face and walked off with her. I noticed she glanced back still sad looking but they both wore long cloak like jackets,  her dad had on a black cloak-jacket and just gave me bad vibes.

I awkwardly walked off to tell my mom about it but she was busy talking with her mom in the car (it was kinda cold out) But I don't know but I can't stop thinking about that girl. I assuming she was a burnt victim or what but I felt bad for her, I wasn't being rude or staring at her for long I was being nice to her. I don't know why her dad gave me that look for, but he gave me bad bad vibes the way he dressed in his long black cloak jacket and all black outfit. She did wave back at me before her dad moved her away from me, I was trying to make a friend 😭.

Maybe he didn't want anyone like speaking to her I guess, when he came over and moved her away quickly when she waved at me smiling a little,  he glared at me. Maybeee his a cult leader or something and didn't want her speaking to anyone 🤔,  thought she might spill the beans on him lmao, I don't know lol I was only a kid.

( anyway that's all, just wanted to share that tiny non creepy story. )

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