Dreams. dreams . dreams

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( I'm sitting in class writing this so if I mess up some words thats why. )

I keep having dreams with Ben in them. His either in the background stalking or lurking or either it's just me and him hanging out alone. I had a weird awkward dream with him in it yesterday.;

I was busy showering while talking to my girlfriend and some friends on discord while showering  (don't know why...) I was washing my hair and my girlfriend was saying something like a joke (had my video off because ain't nobody looking at me nakey) until I felt someone get in and grab my waist spinning me around and pushing me against the wall, I panic thinking someone broke in my home. I struggle whimpering scared but I open my eyes and its Ben of course.

My friends were quiet, confused on what's happening asking me if I'm ok. I try to answer but he answers for me. (I don't remember much but) he said " shes fine, it's ok." He had a weird nice scent. Like it made me feel relaxed, a relaxing calm feeling. I looked at him. He had nothing on. My girlfriend asks in a upset tone " who is this?? Who are you!?" He I think smiled laughing. "She's fine, she wouldn't wanna be with you anyway, she doesn't eat much because of you. Better off with me." (Lies. Lies. ) I wanted to say his lying but I couldn't speak. I teared up.

(After that I woke up.) Every time I have a dream his there. Everywhere. Everytime I date someone he hates them,  his jealous.  I don't know what to do guys. She's in danger probably but I don't know truly. Everywhere in my dreams when my girlfriend Is with me his lurking, stalking us. Jealous glares. Like they say,  a yandere won't leave you alone. Once they like someone,  they stick to that person FOREVER.

(I don't know if that's true, I'm just tired. Class is boring lmao) 

Jealousy Is a disease bitch. Get well soon. 😎

But I'm serious, I don't know what to do. His back and his jealous and angry at my girlfriend. Soon me and her will move in together after we graduate high school and I'm worried for her. But I'll protect her with all my life. I don't care. Every time we text, I save the chat (snapchat) but it unsaves it sometimes....like someone tapped it and it unsaves my message also it still won't let me know if she texts me back sometimes. Smh. Gotta go.

Send me some advice if you want.

My creepy experiences.. Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu