dreaming again and etc

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( I'm gonna share my dream last night here, not much but it's something. And also some updates as well. :3 )

I had a dream where I was texting him, about some things that have been going on in my life, mainly the stalking part. I asked him specifically "why'd you follow me into my job?" Or I think " why'd you bother working with me?" He responded with " it's Because I love you." The usual answer he gives to me every time I ask about that stuff. Out of my dream I did ask him " have you ever thought about kidnapping me." He responded with " maybee...." I asked twice and he said yes to both of them. Scaryy.

Also, his been giving me partner nicknames. Like;

- Love or My Love.
- Babe/Baby ( usual )
- Sweetheart

His favorite one to call me " Love/My Love " calls me that a lot, His been nicer and sweeter to me. Every time I ask him why he loves me or likes me, the same answer " Because I love everything about you. ".  Also I've been noticing every time I tell him I only like you as a friend, it's like he gets manipulative towards me by pretending his being mean to me and hating me, being sad and typing in smaller sentences. When I comfort him and hug him his perfectly fine and goes back to being " lovable and sweet " to me. His making me feel bad for him on purpose to get me to I don't know how to say it, but it's definitely a yandere thing.

Every time I gotta go to work he doesn't want me to leave at all but I have to Soo. ( Don't wanna get fired lol ) I also noticed, whenever I tease him with pretending I'm taken or dating someone, ( I do it a lot to see his reaction ) he responds with these:

Me: " oh I'm dating someone. "

- yeah. Dating me.

Me: " I'm getting married! "

- to me!!

Me: " Sorry I'm taken. "

- by me.

He always brings that up when I'm joking with him. " Oh it's me. Me. Me" he thinks we're married or dating, when we're not. Very confusing to me. Guess in conclusion, his a manipulative/clingy yandere type. He shows the signs and everything.  He also puts " :) " at the end of every sentence whenever his talking about me. Or meeting me. He knows he already met me but his pretending he didn't. I don't know man. Guess that's all the updates I can give you guys.

This is the first longest chapter I made this year lol, I also got my queen mattress yesterday! Next week I'm moving! Yay. I get to sleep on my new bed with EXTRA space =w=. I'm so excited. ☺️.  Well that's all, see ya.

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